fuck yeah, this was the greatest hip-hop album in a long time, crazy production, so many quotable lyrics
fuck yeah, this was the greatest hip-hop album in a long time, crazy production, so many quotable lyrics
But it isn't presented as a linear story, so does it even matter? I don't really follow the argument here. Pretty sure the acting, the music, the dialogue etc would still make it a great film. I'm sure some dork has re-cut it on youtube, but I guess we'll never really know.
I've never really thought about it. Almost certainly it would be a more boring film.
It depends when you first saw it I guess . . . I was maybe 15/16 when it came out and it was probably the greatest thing I'd ever seen up to that point. Obviously if you look at it in hindsight or armed with an extensive knowledge of cinema (in particular the Nouvelle Vague stuff) then the groundbreaking aspects of it…
Tarantino for sure, everything after Jackie Brown has been awful, but Pulp Fiction is great.
Sylvia Plath is buried nearby so I would naturally assume it is to lezzers what Mecca is to muslims.
Christ I just googled it and got bashment beats with a wasp trapped in a jar on top.
I've never been a fan myself though I do enjoy some of the things that skirt around those edges (the west London broken beat stuff, 1999-2000 era 'dark' garage). I actually have no idea what moombahton is. It sounds scary.
or running
I really liked this show, and if you've ever visited Hebden Bridge you'll know it is a strange place indeed. From what I can tell it is where hippies retire once they've made their fortune selling organic hemp products and magic crystals. It is also full of lesbians. The town is swamped with drugs. I went there once…
If you could judge dick jokes by their cover then this one would be a best-seller
I've had several incarnations that were lost in the Great Disqus Purge of 2013 and/or blocked for calling Macklemore shite
I'd like to see more mentions of barm cakes
I read the first two books and they were kinda entertaining, but I wasn't that bothered about reading the third (and last?) one.
Well it was certainly very confused about what it wanted to be or what it ended up being. The clips of the bailout hinted at some sort thematic thing, none of which really came through until the short Brad Pitt monologue at the end, and that was about as nuanced as a dump in a mailbox.
your brother doesn't deserve legs
"human Glee episode" is perhaps one of the best insults I've ever read
Son’s life is like a whole galaxy of adolescent female emotions n Demi Lovato lyrics clustered into one organism n brought to life by a stoner praying mantis/parody of a rapper who was sent to Earth by the Gungans of planet Naboo to detonate some kinda male dignity transmission override all over the planet n keep…
It's like Blowout Comb and Illmatic never happened around these parts
he looks like Fred Thompson in a shit wig these days