Rainy Day Fun Time Holo-Clowns!
No, honey "werewolf", say it: "werewolf"
Or every episode on YouTube in its entirety.
Would he use the same 10 riffs in every episode?
Now we can look forward to a new front in the now 20+ year old war: New guy vs Joel vs Mike!
Hum didda hee hee… hooah hooah…
No, I was actually making a joke about those Enzyte commercials. Enzyte, eXistenZ…
I remember the ad campaign for this movie, with the hideously grimacing man named Bob. I actually Cronenberg went a little too far with the body-horror that time.
Kinda like how the best Lovecraft movie is "In the Mouth of Madness"
John Murdoch never fell under the control of anyone. The murders either never happened or were staged by the Strangers.
I've read Hill House the most, but We Have Always Lived in the Castle may be my favorite. Such an elegantly slow build. Shirley Jackson knew how to keep her voice low. i want to right a 1/10 as well as her someday.
OT for this thread, but I wanted to tell you how cool it is that you wanted your SG name to be Merricat!
Something something Dawes something
It's even more Stephen Kingey in that it sorta riffs on his early short story "The Reapers Image", which is about a cursed mirror that kills people.
I guess the fact that Reitman directed it should have tipped me off, but seriously, this is a comedy? A movie about a FANTASY football draft would have more potential for laughs.
I was in 4th Grade the year the Bengals went to the Super Bowl for the second time. My school (which was across the river in Ludlow) had a "Bengals Appreciation Day" where kids were supposed to dress up in orange and black.
Lions never should have cut George Plimpton
In the final Sandman story, Hob Gadling drunkenly tells a centaur that he figures he's spent two years pissing during his centuries long life.
The movie actually hits all narrative points in the Noah story from Genesis. It then adds some new points but it doesn't contradict anything in Genesis. After all, Genesis is only assumed to be 5000 years ago IF you follow the relatively recent interpretations of Young Earth Creationists.