
@Skunk Ape - Castro's not a great dude, but Cuba's been pretty okay about generally toeing the line with international law. I mean, they haven't had a Cambodia moment or anything. Like, generally, how the Cold War seemed to go was the USSR and allies were allowed to run their dungeons, as long as the US could exploit

Also, from Adonais:

Ugh, imperfect rhymes. What are you, a plebe?

O'Neil, you don't need to qualify whether or not Nicole Richie is greek, just use the words of Keats' friend, Percy Bysse Shelley, from Hellas:

I'm pretty sure reggae would just rise to prominence under its other fan group besides college stoners — homophobes.

On a socio-political level, it is kinda troublesome to have whatever media justifying or at least, if not justifying, but 'glorifying' the actions that the United States has taken outside of the confines of international law and in defiance of any sense of fairness or justice.

But saying it's contrived implies there's a concious decision made on each. He's rather the class clown type, he isn't conciously seeking attention or trying to be outrageous maybe, but he does need it and it does happen, it's more of a personality attribute than a front.

So the base material's a little uninspired, but so's the whole of the zombie genre, and the Zombieland writers managed to hit that out of the park? -maybe they can elevate it a little-. A little optimism in this mess.

Mr. Waters is right — buildings built before the passage of the ADA were/are not required to be retrofitted. Additionally, private employers with less than some, I want to say ~15-20 employees don't have to pay attention to it either. The only buildings that were required to be retrofitted thanks to the ADA are

Pull Quote for NAMBLA newsletter:

O'Neal, close it! You look like the window of a butcher shop

Pretty sure that's just what he's been doing between acting gigs. Lars von Trier flix don't pay the bills you know.

I only caught about half of it, the rest is on your carpet.

I'm sure
He figures that a mass-writer extinction will give the production crew the kind of method-artist experience to really get inside the minds of dinosaurs.

Hey now, it's not very nice to lump iCarly in with Hannah Montana. iCarly's almost alright in a sort of Kenan and Kel kind of way, aight.

It's okay, we have Sean O'Neil now, and he doesn't seem to have an unjustified love of the Real Housewives franchise.

It says frrrrrrt.

Ryan Murphy is holding America psychologically hostage. Somebody better get down there and Kiefer Sutherland him up.

Wait until HBO/Showtime/Starz/Pay Channel #6 makes a horrible miniseries out of The Fountainhead or something. It'll have more self-aggrandizement and rape per scene than Mad Men I can guarantee you this, but none of the parasites or preachers.
