if Matrix was here he would la

bow chika wow wow!

we're all getting old, aren't we?

Mars Attacks


so Steven Spielberg watched a movie about lesbians doing it?

what a sad, strange little man

just think of it as being steampunk

no, it really wasn't

guess what? I'm actually a Person With 3 LAST Names

Jamie Lee Curtis, the woman who provided me once with one of my first boners with her striptease in True Lies now disturbingly reminds me of my mother (Freudian!) and loves to talk about yogurt that makes you poop

I plan on re-watching seasons 1, 2 and 4 at some point soon, I'm curious as well if they hold up

*sigh* I wish this show had turned out better

surrender pronto or we'll level Toronto!

WTF is livejournal lol


bom bom bom bom bom-bombombom bom bom bom BOM BOM

damn, you beat me to it!

I want to get off Mr Bone's wild Election season

fava beans and nice cianti

reminds me of Code Geass