
But now your avatar looks all blurry and terrible.

I have an olddisqus tab open and its amazing how different it looks compared to the new one. Its so much easier to follow. I know I'll inevitably lose it though so i'm mostly sticking to NuDisqus right now.

I found out that after three replies you can still reply to people but it'll just cause the order of comments to be really confusing and nonlinear.

Its like if you punch me in the face and tell me its my fault I got punched in the face.

Religious freedom is a thing that exists.

Well she's telling me its my fault that this happened. She's the one who is playing the role of the bully here.


Jesus fuck balls.

Also, @avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus did you create friendnarwhal?

You have to refresh for them to work. Whenever something doesn't work you have to refresh.

I just found it, it was right there but because everything is so ugly and terrible I couldn't find it. Fuck this place.

So far I've downvoted a comment by Stephen discussing how nobody will downvote him and I downvoted friendnarwhal. Other than that, nobody.

What do you mean? What did I do?

You have to refresh in order to see likes.

Well its great for discussion as long as you don't refresh.

I love murder but only when it involves children living in poverty.


Hey is for horses.

I downvoted the above comment because irony. I was hoping everyone else would too but not only did nobody else downvote you, the other person who did it chickened out.

Look how self-important you are.