Aaron Carter

I'm coming back in a big way this year, and its time you people all start noticing. My new album drops in a few months. Its tight. Haters gonna hate. But my fans know what's up. Aaron's the man.

My new single's better
Check it out! It's hot. Bitches can dance to it in the club. Coming back in 2011! Aaron's the man!

Guerrilla advertising is no gimmick. Coming back 2011!

Just when ya thought it was safe…
When I hit town yo the party can't fail
I'm hittin' 20 on the Rictor scale
Got a hundred million people spilling coffee that stains
On your brand new shirt, Ooh that reminds you of me
When you feel your gums flap, it's Aaron's rap
Watch yourself I'ma rearrange your map
Feel your hands

U.S.A.! Bang your heads to this, come on!
I was born, I was raised
In the US of A
I'm livin' in America
A O, A O, A O, A O, A O, A O, A O, A O
And no matter what they say
I'll be livin' here anyway
I'm lovin' you America
A O, A O, A O, A O, A O, A O, A O, A O

Story of my career. Comeback 2011!

I heard that you were leaving
You can't go, you're my best friend
I'm sure gonna miss you
I always think about you
All the time you're on my mind
We played together you and I
I can't believe that its true
Now I have to see you leave

It's the A to the A to the R O N
I'm all grown up now
Run and tell your friend
It's all sewn up now
Where do I begin?
Don't even play a hater
Tryin' to say I look ten

It's the A to the A to the R O N
I'm all grown up now
Run and tell your friend
It's all sewn up now
Where do I begin?
Don't even play a hater
Tryin' to say I look ten

Just because I'm Aaron Carter doesn't mean I can't watch TV. I get bored in between gigs and recording sessions, and Mad Men is the vest drama on TV, yo. Besides, did you see Draper last season? Shit's pretty much my life right now!

"You should take the plea bargain."
"Have you read it?"
"No, but look how big it is!"

Terriers is being replaced by Wilfred…. Those shows are both about dogs, right? Louie FTW.


^"Do I hear 'please'? I love it when you beg me"

I need
My fix of Mad Men now. There is no good summer TV on.

You wouldn't catch my man Tyler Perry doing that!

Well at least that show made a big deal out of its Christmas episode! Who'd AD get as a guest star? That has been Henry Winkler. And there wasn't even a musical number!

It's the kids, baby
Do I hear a "please"?
I love it when you beg me
I need a bribe now
Just to move my legs, see
And I might fit you in
If you make way
Lemme talk to my people we can save the day!