
I think that was Cartman's point. Fuck you. Fuck you all! Give us your money and we will do nothing and those people who gave the boys money didn't care.

Season 8 just premiered earlier tonight Scott Tobias. I know the pilot was a bit rough around the edges but damn did you miss bad. Did you buy a Zune and vote for Sarah Palin?

I still guess I can't see why so many people dislike this show. I have watched every episode this season. I liked it and am going to watch next season. If you guys hate it so much why watch? Why take the time to comment on a show you hate? Why go to such length to give such analysis about a show you think is poorly

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned "New Year's Kiss" because basically everything Future Rigby warned is happening. Mordecai kissed CJ at midnight. Now there going on a date. I see a love triangle and pretty much nothing good happening for Mordecai. He will probably end up losing both CJ and Margaret. I just

No mention of his wonderful series on the U.S. National Parks system. It's founding and evolution from the first setting aside of land dedicated to preservation in human history.

Dean Pelton is College Commander!

You clearly weren't a viewer or lived during the early early 90s when the episode originally aired. ALF pogs were a contemporary reference from the early 90s and possible as dated as a year or so. Your argument holds no water.

I agree with this so much. I don't believe that current episodes are equal to the first 10 seasons. But I still watch and I still laugh most episodes.
I've bought the dvds up to season 16, which is when a lot of people complain about.

I think this is one of the most amazing episodes. That said I still watch The Simpsons, I know it's not as great as classic episodes. Specifically episodes from this season. I just want to defend current episodes and say they may not come close to equaling The Simpsons of seasons 6-9 but they still have all the same

I don't know who this fucking reviewer is but he is a shitty one. I thought this was easily the funniest episode of the entire season. I was having to rewind it because I was laughing so much I was missing other jokes. How about TV Club get someone who actually enjoys and appreciates the show rather than run it into

I'm not fighting for Breaking Bad because I've never seen it. It's not my cup of tea. Some people seem to think it's art. Personally My number one show of the year would have been Game of Thrones and I do think it is art and it is earthshaking popular. Doesn't have the recognition it deserves. What about The Simpsons?

I actually wasted my time to look this up on Wikipedia because I thought that maybe there was some chance I missed something. WOW does this show sound like it sucks. No wonder HBO canceled in MARCH! Maybe if it was going to get it's final season like the creator planned so that the story could actually be told then

Great fucking choice. A show I've never heard of is the number one show of the year and actually great shows get left off your top 40 list.

I don't get this overwhelming love of "Lisa's Substitute" it was dull and boring and worst not funny. People are complaining how unfunny this episode was like it worst episode ever territory. I thought this was a very funny episode. I have every season on dvd and already have the preorder for the one coming out in a

The scene where Peele's character and Jay go to arrest the jean jacket kid and he hits him with a snow cone was hilarious. It played on every cop cliché possible. It was their last bust. The black cop died. Peele even said the most common death line possible "So cold"

Yea I already have a Dis Jr. I don't need two. I already have two FS1 channels and an FS1HD. Couldn't I have something useful like a yulelog channel or emergency broadcast signal?

No love for the Cheers food fight episode.
What about Bart vs. Thanksgiving episode?

C- is really harsh to me. I would give it a whole letter grade better B-
It is slightly above average to me. A C+ is average in my view.

Not to start some argument I'm just stating my opinion and what I've heard from other people I know at work and hang out with. It's getting good ratings so it must be enjoyable to others like me. What I would say to the view that Spader's character is too cool and knows everything before the first commercial break.

Nope. Not New York. Vaughn is a Chicago guy. Many of his movies are set in Chicago. Or at the very least begin in Chicago and then he leaves like Fred Claus.