
One of my dear departed cats was obsessed with licking my nose while I was sleeping; sometimes he would lick so hard the skin used to peel off.

I dunno, I think Mr. Miggles was pretty darn vicious considering his size. And, well, considering cats, that in no way contradicts your theory about cheerleaders.

I dunno, I don't think it's quite fair to accuse a parody of the horror genre as misogynistic when classic horror revolves around misogyny.

For what it's worth, I never watch the "Next Time" previews, so I didn't know what was coming up, and I thought it was Vampirism, especially with the way Seth's dead girlfriend was looking at him initially.

I'm deeply ashamed to have understood your Twilight reference.

Oh wow that was hilarious! I loved that Mrs. Hughes is now Mrs. Danvers; though considering Mrs. Hughes turns out to have a heart of gold, it might have been more appropriate to rename O'Brien instead.

I thought this exactly! I think their relationship, and Cora's fragility (and ensuing dependence on O'Brien) was a lot clearer in the first season. I don't like how Cora's doing stuff this season — it seems extremely out of character for the woman we met in the first season.

Hmm, I'm surprised this episode has such a high rating. Well, sort of surprised. The first time I watched it, I loved it too; my heart soared when Matthew and William appeared as Mary sang. But now that I'm re-watching this series as it airs in the States, I couldn't help noticing that this episode is where all the

That onion article is perfect — also, yes, I totally bought the season 1 DVD of Murphy Brown as soon as it came out a few years ago, and I'm pissed that they haven't yet made any more available.

And now, Donald Glover is our Shakespeare.

When I was 13, I re-read Candice Bergen's autobiography so many times the cover fell off. I also used to empty entire cans of hairspray trying to make my hair look like Murphy Brown's — no small feat for a black girl who wasn't allowed to perm her hair. The marathon hairstyling sessions would usually take place while

Yay, Black Nerds united for TGS! I knew someday we'd be an important demographic bloc to someone.

But, Conrad and Victoria are engaged in a bitter divorce, so if Conrad says anything to Daniel, it will just seem like he's just being a bitter asshole. And then, if Daniel ever finds out the truth, Victoria gets to say, "Well, I never said that, you just assumed".

Oh jeez, I read that wrong, and I was like, "Why were you fucking during Revenge? And why are you telling everyone you have no stamina?"

Portlandia's a comdey show about Portland, a hipster mecca where the 90s never died. It's pretty amusing, if you're old enough to remember the 90s. (Or, presumably, if you've ever lived in Portland). You could have most likely gleaned that by, oh, I don't know, skimming the article you clicked on.

Haha, no it's not an English accent, but it sounds exactly right to me, based on personal experience. I left a longer comment just a second ago.

I have experience both developing the accent after a short time despite myself and hearing Americans who've spent a lot of time in England. I can attest that yes, Americans in England do end up sounding that effed up.

Maybe it's just a sign of how low my expectations have sunk, but I thought Jared Gilmore was pretty good this week. He only whined maybe 2 or 3 of his lines (even though he had a lot of lines!) And he was far better than the Hansel boy, who I wanted to stab through the eye, both because he was written as a complete

I was surprised nobody ragged on Carrie and Fred for being so very late to BSG.

Haha, I had the same thought; I was like, "No I wasn't truly addicted till halfway through the miniseries." And it was "Water" that made me the type of fan who would download episodes as soon as they aired in the UK.