
Hell yeah. I miss his Lindsey McDonald hair.

Lily's having an Eriksen baby! Duh, that's why she's so big.

In addition to Carrie's tea mistake, I had one other tiny nitpick that kept me from complete suspension of disbelief. Americans, for the most part, will put a racial identifier with any unknown person who is non-white (except in cases where they feel uncomfortable and are trying to be PC). So, Aileen would have most

I think they probably jettisoned her dialogue coach to save money, and this is the result. It seems Panjabi can do a decent American accent now that she's been in the US for a few years, but she still needs a coach to do a perfect one.

Yeah, it makes sense why he'd want a baby in fairytale land, but in the real world, I can't help but think he's one of those dudes who wants to buy a baby for sexual purposes… ech… I'm not sure if that's an instance of the show not thinking things through enough, or if it's much darker than we imagined.

No, you remind me of the babe.

YES! Those were my exact thoughts, and I came here to post exactly that. I mean, I know the writers are a little dense (the repeated ad naseum theme of the week is exhibit #1), but COME ON!

Ok, I probably shouldn't be admitting this in a public forum, but I have really janky toenails, and so for the past few years, I've been using one of those tiny sandpaper barrels on a drill to buff my toenails.  My toenails grow vertically instead of horizontally, and it's gotten to the point where, like Ron Swanson's

Nooooo way. I feel ancient, too.
That show was the best. It taught me about fibbonaci numbers, what a googol is, and multiplication, all before I turned six.

Exactly what I was thinking: a baby switch is in Bridget's future (assuming the show lasts that long)

Does anybody else think that most things that "aren't going to plan" are actually going exactly to Emily's plan?