
Hilarious! Actually, I was working on this and my son looked over my shoulder and asked, "Mom, is that Pee Wee Herman?"

Gini did talk to her daughter the night she was spending the night at Daddy's in "Fight," pre-time jump.

I like the half-brother possibility-

I think last week Masters made it "all about her" in the bedroom, so, still impotent I believe.

Thanks for pointing that out: added it above. Living Single wasn't the juggernaut that Friends was, but still deserves a mention in a '90s kind of world.

Rewatching the first season for this article, it definitely had a few stumbles, but there are some moments of greatness in season one. I especially love the "The One With The Boobies" (the Fisher Stevens episode) and the finale when Rachel finds out about Ross.

Oh my gosh, that is so true. Jennifer Aniston sounded like Frenchie from Grease.

So sorry, aforkosh; I lost my dad to the dread disease as well.

Thanks, m0nit0rman, and sorry for your loss.

I just remembered The Birdcage and now I want to cry all over again. He's frickin' brilliant in that (and everything, really).

Which he ad-libbed.

Yeah, I did not trace that lice path, well done! And I call myself an expert . . .

It's all about the eyebrows-

Followed by: "Yes, quite the life of the party…"

Here's hoping.

I'm with Knifey: this episode was practically traumatizing.

Although, he does point out that that's an error message, but not the usual error message. because Microsoft tablets would usually never do that to you.

I definitely did, and was disappointed: The last thing the world needs is Betty Draper 2.0.

I have a major soft spot for his '60s movies with Doris Day like "Move Over, Darling." But one of my favorites is this weird one from 1966, "Mister Buddwing," where he plays an amnesiac who wanders the streets while having a series of flashbacks, and in each one his wife is played by a different actress.

It was distracting: I thought it looked like red sperm.