Marcus Carab

Also, the Simpsons started in a time when the "little pink houses" dream of the American middle class was still the default attitude about how the average person lives their life…

as awesome as that could be, I actually think the best approach would be to leave Coach McGuirk out of the proceedings — unless maybe Bob was dispatched with for an episode, and they hung a lampshade on it by commenting on the voice similarity. Otherwise, having Benjamin voice two of his very-benjamin-voiced

I think so. Really there are all sorts of directions the writers could go with it — Louise & Brendon could face off in all sorts of interesting ways, or Tina could fall for Brendon… Plus, imagine the comic potential of Andy & Ollie meeting Walter & Perry…

Archer is all over the crossovers this season — Bob's Burgers already, and Sealab 2021 coming up. Given that, can we PLEASE have some Home Movies characters make an appearance in Bob's Burgers? Imagine Brendon Small showing up for an episode, with Benjamin revisiting his Jason voice in tow…

And now I'm getting an erection. How grimly predictable.

The phone message scene is made totally worthwhile by the characters' *instantaneous* (and hilarious) acknowledgement of how bad it was.

Also, didn't the episode end with a total cheat, where the Cardassian colonists upset by the Maquis traded places with the Maquis settlers displaced by Sisqo — since, apparently, the planets were only rendered uninhabitable for one race?

Aha! Yes. Third time's a charm. *That's* the one I meant.

@avclub-618fd0370047b25592c8a7db0ff8a9c0:disqus  SPOILERS:

Yup, that's the one :)

@avclub-f7b8cee00172e6b5d95f347eef898419:disqus  Don't worry, I feel for you. I thought Without Sin was an okay and kinda fun episode too (though nowhere near as fun as Trials) — and I suspect I'm about to catch a whole bunch more shit for mentioning that again :)

@annacatt SPOILERS in all caps totally does help — easy to spot with half-focused eyes before actually reading the comment :)

EDIT: Gah — wrong reply thread. @Annacatt —

Also, though it's an episode that didn't live up to its potential:

"Bad eyes, good ears."

I was about to say that I find "For The Cause" very confusing in terms of what it attempts to do with Sisko — but then I realized I was thinking about "Blaze Of Glory". We'll save that conversation for when the time comes, I guess :)


To The Death kicks some serious ass.

In legal theory yes, in industry practice no.

Awesome subtle Bashir detail in Hard Time: when he comes to meet O'Brien in the jefferies tube, he does a hilarious little "i'm so slick" backwards-slide down the ladder.