Marcus Carab

Oh, was it ever. And I am not being fanciful about her humanoid hoo-ha — there is literally a squirmy scene after they have sex where they basically say to each other "what a delightful and erotic novelty your genitals were!"

It's an episode I enjoy, and go back to sometimes — I just don't think it holds up to a lot of scrutiny… After the reaction I got to mentioning that I don't hate Without Sin above, I felt like paying more heed to my critical side :) So maybe I was too harsh. I don't think it's a BAD episode, but I don't think it

It's an episode I enjoy, and go back to sometimes — I just don't think it holds up to a lot of scrutiny… After the reaction I got to mentioning that I don't hate Without Sin above, I felt like paying more heed to my critical side :) So maybe I was too harsh. I don't think it's a BAD episode, but I don't think it

Heart of Stone is one of those episodes that I instinctually remember as being a slog, but I guess isn't actually that bad when I really think about it…

Heart of Stone is one of those episodes that I instinctually remember as being a slog, but I guess isn't actually that bad when I really think about it…

Er, well… yeah. It sort of has its moments, and it's somewhat interesting for offering some more of Trek's conception of Earth history in between now and the show, but it's pretty damn silly.

Er, well… yeah. It sort of has its moments, and it's somewhat interesting for offering some more of Trek's conception of Earth history in between now and the show, but it's pretty damn silly.

Some Memory Alpha lookups reveal that it is indeed canon, but based on very little. In "For The Cause", Dukat tells Ziyal that Garak had his father tortured and killed. MA also says that at one point Dukat says trusting Garak was his father's only flaw — but doesn't mention which episode (though that line does indeed

Some Memory Alpha lookups reveal that it is indeed canon, but based on very little. In "For The Cause", Dukat tells Ziyal that Garak had his father tortured and killed. MA also says that at one point Dukat says trusting Garak was his father's only flaw — but doesn't mention which episode (though that line does indeed

All right, just checking…

All right, just checking…

Sorry Ensign Kim, the tests came back positive. You're going to have to live here and keep nailing that chick with the mysterious alien vagina or you'll like, glow and get the flu and shit.

Sorry Ensign Kim, the tests came back positive. You're going to have to live here and keep nailing that chick with the mysterious alien vagina or you'll like, glow and get the flu and shit.

You probably would have figured it out anyway. It's really obvious Riker has ulterior motives and some sort of twist is coming, and if you're Trek-aware then it doesn't take long for the Thomas possibility to occur to you

You probably would have figured it out anyway. It's really obvious Riker has ulterior motives and some sort of twist is coming, and if you're Trek-aware then it doesn't take long for the Thomas possibility to occur to you

Am I the only one who didn't totally hate Without Sin? I mean, it's goofy and all the attempts to make Risa sexy are squirm-inducing (which time-slot necessities would certainly help explain) but it almost works, because the episode is really about making *Worf* squirm. I still get a huge amount of simple, guilty

Am I the only one who didn't totally hate Without Sin? I mean, it's goofy and all the attempts to make Risa sexy are squirm-inducing (which time-slot necessities would certainly help explain) but it almost works, because the episode is really about making *Worf* squirm. I still get a huge amount of simple, guilty

This season has a lot of weak spots, unfortunately. But it also includes the awesome Garak-centric two-parter, and ends with The Adversary, one of the most exciting episodes of the series, largely thanks to one of the best reveal scenes of all time, and because it kicks the bigger story arc into a higher gear (as

This season has a lot of weak spots, unfortunately. But it also includes the awesome Garak-centric two-parter, and ends with The Adversary, one of the most exciting episodes of the series, largely thanks to one of the best reveal scenes of all time, and because it kicks the bigger story arc into a higher gear (as

I'm an avid TVClub reader, though I don't think I've ever logged in or commented before - but I'm doing so now to throw my hat into the ring and say YES! WEEKLY PSYCH REVIEWS!