
The first one was The Blacklist episode "General Ludd", if anyone's wondering.

"I can't figure out the hate that the reviewer has for this show."

"this week we get scientists being roasted alive and sexxxxxy hacker sex…"

Amen! Preach on, Happy!

Indeed. Are the writers trying to make the show as cliched and predictable as possible?

For that matter, I'd like to know why Stewie didn't scream when Red pushed him into the vat of FLESH-DISSOLVING CHEMICALS.
Oh, and I have my own theory about the show's lack of reality. Remember how "Newhart" and "St. Elsewhere" were just dreams? Well, "The Blacklist" is just a series of badly written short stories

I'm wondering how long I'm going to stay with this show; it has an interesting premise, but its many flaws are wearing on me.