Claire Zulkey

I think he's been coasting a bit the last few weeks, myself. I don't doubt that he's talented but "Smells Like Teen Spirit" seemed like a vanity song and he didn't bring much new last week. The growling and angry looks got tired for me fast. Maybe he just seemed like he was too comfortable too early.

I know that but why pass up a chance to make your parents feel out of touch?

Yeah that was perfect timing.

Like James!

Caveman, I can't believe you don't pay close attention to the different types of furniture the different contestants must sit on. I am disappoint.

I find Jacob the worst myself. He was ridiculous in last night's group number.

stools=danger, couch=safe

Well keep in mind that I like him out of everyone on Idol, not in the grand landscape of life. But he's cute and doesn't resemble a fetus or wad of lint.

yeah, the more I think about it I decided a B is too good for this ep. I'm waiting for my grade demotion to go through on the edits.

oh my goodness. I just noticed that now. That reminds me of that Mr. Show sketch.

I'm very jealous of you, Christina
This has basically always been my dream assignment for the AVC. I love JK Simmons. I'm sure he'll turn up in 20 more projects before the year is even over so maybe I still have hope…

To quote one of the DVD extras on the box set that we own, those films are only some of the few that make marriage look sexy.

Nick and Nora
My model of marriage.

I think they've trotted that out for people of non-color before, like maybe Adam Lambert? I moreso wonder if they're actually singers from an actual choir or they're just backup singers on whom they just stuck robes.

Sam Rockwell's dancing is the best part of Charlie's Angels.

Yes, you're right

and I agree with you re: Pia/Casey

Thank you for the nice words although I was called "literally fucking retarded" enough times when I covered SNL to know it's a tougher show to cover than it looks.

Robbie is someone who I actually wouldn't mind seeing back on the show in a few years. The talent is clearly there but I'd be more interested in hearing from him when he has a bit more life experience and has grown into himself some. /talentcompetitionbabble

yeah he does seem quite all right—maybe we'll see him in the finale or something? A friend of mine got a little obsessive about him today and scoped out which Jewish youth group he belongs to.