
Them clowns pulled up in a mini and I thought, I can handle these jokers…but they just kept coming out…more and more and more…they were everywhere…with their long shoes and their balloon animals and their squeeze horns…and oh god! the memory! carve it from my brain!

Say what you will about evil clownism, at least it's an ethos.

Much better than AAA Dowd, who is smaller but more quickly exhaustible.

Scariest clown ever: Donald Trump.

On the plus side, no matter how much you might hate dating Swift, you wouldn't have to do it for very long.

You know, I don't feel all that sorry for Taylor Swift — I think she seems to enjoy a little bit of attention and more importantly, seems to have an absolutely masterful talent for bending modern media to her own will so she doesn't get overwhelmed by it.

I couldn't enjoy Starwipe. Much as I love the O'Neal snark, it gets a bit much for me when it's the entire substance of the site. At least on AVC it will be leavened with reviews, interviews, and other less-snarky content.

I find him incredibly uncharismatic myself. Very handsome, to be sure, but that's not enough to make me want to watch him on screen. I think he was lucky enough to have been in a huge (and inexplicable) smash hit early in his career which then allowed him to get shoehorned into projects by great directors like

Not trying to defend O'Neal's treatment of Angelica Huston, but awful as it was, doesn't even get him near the Worst Person in Hollywood given Penn, O.J. Simpson, Polanski, Cosby, Pellicano…

No doubt Tarantino takes old movies, tears them apart, and reassembles the pieces. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The thing that annoys me about Tarantino is he doesn't seem to understand the difference between something cool and something that needs to stay in the film. So when he makes the opening shot of

Even the AV Club has standards.

I think the problem with Avatar is that its success rested on its technical achievements and specific marketing, neither of which are likely to be repeatable given how bad the actual story and setting were. I'm not saying everyone hated it (even I didn't hate it), but I'd like to draw a comparison with another well

Now don't you go getting uppity!

Or indeed their human characters.

I have no idea, and yet it is still more palatable than Lucas's kindergarten Esperanto.

That Deadbert run was awful.

Half a head and two right arms? Is he running for a Republican nomination?

Or Nick Cave cosplay.

I felt the same until they brought back Rev. Richard Wayne Gary Wayne and his unctuous evil for the end run.

I for one love to pepper the comment threads of rap album reviews with infinite variations of "THIS ISNT MUSIC WHY DONT YOU LISTEN TO REAL TALENT LIKE GERRY AND THE PACEMAKERS?"