
Poor Top Chef Masters, doesn't even rate a mention in the also-rans anymore.  Last week featured the departure of Sang, whose repeated borderline violence in the name of camaraderie was weirdly out of place and highly disturbing.  If he'd been on Marcel's season of Original Recipe Top Chef, I think there's a chance he

Agreed.  In the ongoing debate on whether Greenwald and Snowden are "heroes" or "villains", I myself prefer to think of both of them as "necessary assholes".

Underrated — Fred Ward delivers an all-timer of a "Fuck you!" to C. Thomas Howell in Secret Admirer.  It was so good that Howell remains fucked almost 30 years later. 

Here's a fun idea if you have a few minutes to spare this evening — go see how quickly you can get banned at TWoP!  I went there last night for the first time in about five years (to see if anyone was talking Top Chef Masters, since AVC has given up on it), and there was the same overbearing moderator, still pouncing

Just speaking for myself (duh), but I'd be disappointed if Ellie's husband is the killer.  Ellie is a character of great empathy and some good detective instincts.  And despite the fact that those two attributes have been shown to be in opposition occasionally, I don't know why someone would write a story that would

Perhaps Jesse will somehow claim credit as being the real Heisenberg, and make noises about returning to cooking to fix Todd's substandard product, making sure the news gets back to Walt.  What will cause Walt to confess?  The prideful fear that he might not get the credit he's due.

I was waiting for that, too.  I thought at the end of Pegg's speech Frost would go behind the bar and pour one for him.

There are still two characters whose screen time I enjoy.  Unfortunately for the show, the two characters are Zach and Harrison. 

They seriously scared the motherFUCK out of that baby.

Any complaints about Anna Gunn this episode?  No?  Good.

I can't wait to find out if someone likes my reply to your comment regarding the recap of the discussion of the show.

OK, so the show pretty much sucks ass now.  That said, the oft-maligned Harrison said something funny for the second week in a row.  So, you know, there's that.

The preview of this I saw in a local theater last week left me in disbelief that this was getting a theatrical run.  It showed a clip from the Larry King talking-head interview, and I thought, "Wow, Larry King looks healthy these days."  Then one from Jerry Lewis, and I thought the same thing.  When I saw Sid Caesar

Did John Hughes really never make this movie?  Or did he merely didn't make it?

I realized that after I posted, but still…..come on.

Okay, one end of that bedpost clearly meant business.  Not the end Dexter managed to stab through a mattress, box spring, and human body — the other end.  Still, though…wicked bedpost.

"When Dex was at the Hamilton house we got an unnaturally long shot of him not doing anything."

I admit it's stacking the deck to include Upstream Color in a list of movies in which to find commonality.  It's just…I still manage to find a much richer vein of inventiveness in current independent movies than the post-film school navel-gazers that seem to be what people associate with "indie" filmmaking (or,

If there's a formula that can be discerned from some of the more well-known 2013 indies, I can't find it.  What binds the three indies I've seen this year — Beyond the Candelabra, Upstream Color, and Fruitvale Station?  Those films and their makers are about as different from one another as they could be.

Part of the reason Holder's downfall was so affecting was the buoyant mood he was in at the beginning of the episode.  Kinnaman's line readings in the first couple of scenes were cracking me up.  I was rewinding just about everything he said…"I'm a patient man"…"He came for YOUR money?"…even his closed-mouth "OK"