
So glad somebody else feels that way. James' acting was terrible. I don't know if the dialogue was bad or not, but it definitely felt like there was too much of it. Just as in Ray Donovan, too many things are spelled out. Don't these people ever shut up?

Derek, is that you?

I sometimes wonder if we've all seen too many Hollywood movies and we've actually started believing that "good people" don't cheat or lie. I'm fairly certain that a large amount of people are exactly like Ruiz. They make pragmatic choices, like letting an ambulance pass at a crime scene, or sleeping with a beautiful

I think she wants to rebuild the relationship with Holder. Not giving him all the info means he has to start talking to her again. Don't know, just a thought…

I agree. I didn't find her character grating at all. She felt quite vulnerable to me and I almost felt sorry for her because it must be hard to cope. And her interactions with Ted Levine were great. I'm definitely looking forward to the next episode.

This show is doing a really lousy job creating intrigue. First show us everything, then tell us everything, then show us again. Gee, thanks.

There was some truly terrifying stuff in that ep. The torture and bathroom scenes reminded me of the Australian movie "Snowtown". One of the most unsettling movies I've ever seen. The fact that a "mere" TV show can produce that same amount of terror in me is testament to Southland's strength. I was blown away.
Such a

To be honest, I hated Tiberius with a passion and I think he got off way too easy. I was hoping that either Naevia or Kore (or Ceasar for that matter) would cut his balls off (literally) for being a fucking rapist. Lots of characters on Spartacus had to face a horrifying death. Little shit Tiberius just getting

Glaber's full frontal nudity. I'm European and as you may well know everyone on European TV is naked 100% of the time. But that shot of Glaber… oh boy…

I don't think killing the man who sexually assaulted his daughter, tore down their fence, shot at them and released a bunch of zombies in their yard, would be very upsetting to Hershel.

Yes! This! All of it!

But they're also completely useless when it comes to fighting and killing zombies. Why else would Andrea appear like a badass to them?

"For such a genius you're awfully handcuffed."

Exactly, if Glenn, Maggie, or Michonne only opened their damn mouths, everything could be explained so that even a complete moron like Andrea would understand that the governor is a psychopath.
There is no logical reason they wouldn't talk to her about that. The only explanation is that the writers are extremely lazy

When someone asks me what kinds of shows I like, Spartacus, is the one that I often leave off the list. Or I only mention it half jokingly. Just two of my friends watch and love it as well. But it seems that everyone else can't understand why a reasonably well educated person would enjoy this "trash".

I guess this show isn't getting much love, but the scene where Mindy carries Maggie down the stairs and just lays her on the ground? I'm sorry, that was too funny.

It can't.

The best part of this very shitty episode was the neighbors at the end, all acknowledging what a couple of self-involved, dull, narcissistic assholes the protagonists really are. I would hate to know this couple in real life.

The best part of this very shitty episode was the neighbors at the end, all acknowledging what a couple of self-involved, dull, narcissistic assholes the protagonists really are. I would hate to know this couple in real life.

I was certain they were going for a gay angle. But I don't know if that would have made it any better. I didn't give a damn about any of the cases of the week so far. The only thing that's mildly interesting about the Lamb family is how little they really know about police work or the law.