
Root Beer Guy had his own episode dedicated to him (Also I never cared for Lemonhope and those 2 episodes dedicated to him were a load of baloney, for a lot of reasons that would make this comment too long.) If this episode is trying to make us to spiritually and outer-worldly care for something that was originally

The most popular doesn't always mean it's the best.

(reads whole thing)
Yeeaaaahhh, why should I care about something that only appeared twice before this episode?
The episode is still a mess.

No, there is such a thing as overpraising.
And this has gone way beyond that and started entering the point where he's getting praise where he doesn't deserve praise.

This is a review?
This read more like fanboying.
Seriously, this episode was a bucket full of what.
Obvious bias is obvious.

Well thanks.

Would you like to try some of my chocolate salty balls?

I'll give the episode this:

Well that was fun.
Maybe not funny, because honestly a lot of turns made me go what? and why?, in an entertaining way and not in a dumbfounded way, but it was fun. (And there were some funny moments)
It was certainly better than A Glitch is A Glitch (which honestly isn't saying much), and less of a headache too.

No, just the ones that are stupid, pretentious, and/or annoying, not the ones that are stupidly enjoyable, fun, and/or deservingly well meaning.

Since I used a JonTron reaction in this weeks Adventure Time comments, I might as well use another one here.

This was AWESOME!
They really outdid themselves here.
And look forward to how future episodes would go for Mordecai and CJ.

I don't know what to say about this episode.
There weren't a lot of laughs.
But I appreciate it's message even though it's been done a million times.
The only real question is did this story really need to be told?
I'll just use a quote Doug Walker used for Up A Tree and say it's a "delightful waste of time." or DWOT

Hey! Sanjay and Craig is awesome.
Breadwinners on the other hand is meh, it's art style is gonna get a lot of hate, but it expressive enough for me, and the music is actually pretty cool, but it was really only made to appeal to the little kids.

Just saw it and…..
yeah it was alright.
No offense but that cloud thing just felt like padding to me, but that deer was funny.
But all in all, this episode did it's job well, nothing more, nothing less.

Well how you interpret a character is your opinion, personally I found him annoying, but to say he's funnier than Abbott and Costello, that's when you need brain surgery! (but in all seriousness, you can have that opinion, I just seriously disagree with it).

Maybe it was fun when they first appeared, but the Banana Guards now are extremely annoying to me.

One of my many problems with James was how it failed in my view help us care for James, especially considering how annoying he was. It's Brak's voice with none of Brak's charm.

From my viewpoint, "I'm not gonna miss him" WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!