
Emotionally Complex?!? How? It's just LSP being an idiot for love.
I got a one word review for this episode: PRETENTIOUS!

I don't know why, but the ending to this episode made me laugh way more than it should have, and I still chuckle about it.
But yeah, a good but not great episode.

Well……. this episode certainly crammed a lot of stuff in it, and I'm surprised it worked……. for the most part.
Good Parts
- Ash getting punched. Simon had no idea who he was and yet it was awesome.
- Marceline fainting when Simon called
- Finn, Jake and Marcy helping Simon communicate with Betty one last time.
- Betty

Considering previous comments that were mostly negative have gotten downvotes, I should prepare my umbrella.
I found this episode to be….. surprising dull. You would think an episode like this would have had a lot more going for it, but the pacing for the episode never made it feel like it. Also this whole Cinnamon

WTF is up with the Uncle Grandpa hate? I like that show, so what if it's not deep, I enjoy the show's humor and definitely has a lot of cool visual gags.

I stopped caring for PB a long time ago, I'm glad she did something nice but she made it needlessly complicated.

Ironic how an episode about a place you crap in was a really good episode.

The last thing those lazy bums need is an ottoman, what they need is are brains.

Well can't absolute rulers change their own laws whenever they want?

You're all probably wondering what the "Negative Ned" thought about this episode, well I have very little problems with it. In fact, this grading system is insulting, this was better than Blade of Grass IMO. I found this to be quite funny and Rainn Wilson did an awesome job as Robot Dwigh……. I mean Rattleballs. Though

Well sorry for actually finding legitimate criticisms. Look I'm not closed-minded and I'll gladly welcome other opinions. I'm not even saying this is a bad episode, it's okay. I just think it's a decent episode and that it could have been way better, but it's still watchable.

Oh look, downvotes, good to see this place is sooooooo welcoming towards opinions.

Me after reading this review: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I mean SERIOUSLY! I knew coming in he was gonna this episode a better review than Apple Wedding (to which this episode was admittedly better than), but good god, I didn't expect him to give it some kind of super way too over-analytic review. I remember him

I wanted to liked this episode, but I honestly didn't like it much, though it managed to avoid being utterly loathed by me.
Some few things that may me laugh:
-The end of the ruined wedding gag where Cinnamon Bun just serves the drink after something that was unfunny (LSP being hit) more unfunny (the blimp crashing the

It's a crappy game anyways, not for the story but for the awful, repetitive game play that has a horrible flaw in returning all your treasures when you need them for upgrades, there's no way to save up treasures, and the levels change skins every 20 levels, and that's about it, it's pretty much the first 20 levels but

(Looks up red grape juice)
Nice to know, but I still say fruit punch would have worked better, that or tomato juice.

Well I liked this episode………… but I wanna make a few points
- The broken glass effect in Kee Oth's dimension was a pretty cool effect, even though it didn't really add anything.
- I found the "Little Buddy" death scene "joke" to be way too mean-spirited, there's dark humor, and then there's just being mean, that's a

I am really looking forward to this show.
I thought the first 2 episodes were good.
I really enjoyed the character interactions and the visuals.
But the humor is rather off.
Hopefully that would get better along the way.

Apart from the surprise ending, this was a rather dull episode in my opinion, there were a few scenes that got giggles from me, but nothing that got me to laugh my butt off. If there's one thing I liked, it's how they re-enforce that as tragic he may be, the Ice King is still an a-hole (he pretty much caused havoc in

Expect I'm not hating, I was reviewing from my viewpoint. You were hating on my viewpoint.
At least that's what it sounded like.