Victor Mature

I'm livin' on nuts and berries

That's SO 1989.

What type of nose did he end up picking?

"You will be led through 4 rooms, and in each room you will experience a surprising aspect of yourself and how you relate to the world and to other people. You will see your hand grow giant and you will be embodied in a doll’s body. You will see moving objects freeze, predict real elections and face moral dilemmas."

He's The Progfather.

With any luck it would be Guy Fieri.

You should see what he does off-camera.

Classic Jacques!

Lets not even begin to discuss bananas.

Ever notice that nobody ever says: "In my country I was taxi driver".

*special sauces*


He didn't jell, he congealed.

I wish I could divorce myself from that comment.

"You were my wife

Who isn't?

Mother Teresa was actually a sadistic sociopath. Just sayin'.

…you mean, AROUND THE CLOCK?

Bitchin' neckbeard, Wayne!

Uh…sure. Oh, geez, look, my punch glass is empty. Good talkin' with ya'!