Migraine Boy

Damn dude. Sorry to hear all that, but a genuine "cool story, bro" to you

Deathstroke first came on my radar when he took down the JLA solo in Identity Crisis. I loved that scene and the narrative that described his strategy as it was happening.

Possibly my favorite book ever. If not, top 3

Boy, and the show's intro to him was SO perfect. Just dressing his son down as he nonchalantly skins a big-ass deer right in front of him

Hey, wait a second…in that "Belle and Sebastian" clip, is Jack Black doing the guitar lick from Rush's "Jacob's Ladder" when he comes in?

Unbelievable that she wasn't immediately shot when they go the jump on her in that house. Wow.

That's a great point….they did an awesome job shifting with the trends in metal in the 80's and even into the 90's a little.

Right, cause no one here watched Making a Murderer, American Crime Story or The Jinx


They were in a weird in-between period. Kind of on the back end of NWOBHM and glam, pre-"hair band" (but came to (incorrectly) define that era), not speed or thrash, but not just rock either.

I'm in.

Was looking for this answer. I mean, mostly for the clothes and the swing revival stuff; the plot itself is pretty timeless.

Exactly. Nothing about the story or plot screams "90"s. However, the movie is THE movie of the 90's. If this makes any sense.

Patton Oswalt, Judd Apatow, Sarah Silverman…

So what's your combo?

Garnett is a dirty, tough-talking little bitch who starts shit and hides behind teammates when someone retaliates.

Ha! That was the best part.

Ha! That was the best part.

Holy Moses. I would have bet 100 bucks no one else had a Sonic Youth album as an answer

Boy, this is going to be the weirdest answer, but I had a wow night in college with a girl and Sonic Youth's Washing Machine album.