Migraine Boy

Absolutely. I was really surprised when I read the review's byline

And it's Louie Freaking Anderson.

I absolutely loved her debut, but the second just never clicked for me. hopefully this one will get me back in the santi groove.


"Hiya! I'm sure you kids know me best as Sergeant Fatso Judson
in "From Here to Eternity".

"He's the loooooove-matic grandpa…."

I was a little confused at the end that it was their first hook up. The time jump and their emotional, familial connection in the open made me think it was already a done deal

Awful show and this is the episode that put it into "hate watch" territory for me

Becca, if you didn't link that "Closer to the Heart" video I was going to. I can watch that over and over and over and I get chills every time

I'm sure you deeply understood that at eight.

I've been an English teacher for 20 years and have taught this book to literally hundreds of kids, crying almost every damn time I read the last two pages aloud to them. Can't tell you how much it means to me, And interestingly, I'm defending it more and more against colleagues who see it as antiquated and racist (in

At first I thought you meant this.

Her videos in the early 80's were, um, influential in shaping my sexual identity

Looks like a live version of the Ritual De Lo Habitual cover

They also had the "Come on and love me now" song before "Lovefool"

Tell ya what - if you're ever at a wedding , party, etc and can't get people to come out and dance, ask the DJ to play this song. If people aren't boogien' by the end of that spoken intro, they will be when the strings come in. Guaranteed.


Wasn't the Godzilla (1998) teaser where an old guy "catches" him off a pier a SB ad?

January really is the worst, isn't it?

Yep. You beat me to the DBT comment