Migraine Boy

Atticus was specifically selected by the Judge to take the Tom Robinson case. That was no accident.

Fair warning: as a high school English teacher, I'm probably gonna be all over these comments :)

Yeah "Ballghazi" was preferable to "Deflate-Gate", dammit.

It appears the Market settled that, then…

Auto-Testament upvote

Oasis, too

If there's no Nelson song this week, I want my money back


I could have SWORN that Broken came out after Downward Spiral, but I guess not.

God, in '85 or so I begged my mom to stop by the local record store in downtown Athens on her way home from work and get me the Suicidal Tendencies tape…and bless her Southern Baptist heart, she did. What a great lady

Rush is going to be on the next RS cover. Still blows me away

This obit was worth the wait. Best article I've seen today.

Or the new Muse one.

The best / scariest parts of zombie stories are the beginning of the outbreak (like the terrifying neighborhood scene in the 04 Dawn of the Dead)


Some of my earliest memories are just staring at that image on the back of comic books and on toys, T-shirts, and the like

Noooooope. Nopenopenopenope

I like how Keith just kinda fucks around on the intro for a bit and then hits the descending riff of the song right before the vocals come in. Great stuff

Not my favorite Stones record (that goes to Beggar's Banquet), but "Sway" is probably my favorite deep cut of theirs

No judgement here.