Migraine Boy

Kate Pierson was, and will forever be, a total babe

And maybe that's why he shot the pawn shop owner - he was about to put it all together

/Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays

Maybe he's showing us through the transformation of Abel into a lil' psychopath that there's no heroes in this story anymore.

Hands up if you thought Juice was about to put that gun in his mouth

Speaking of superheroes, who the fuck was that girl at the apartment when they went to arrest Balloonman suspect?

It is. When Matt stammers and gets up from the Taylors' dinner table and it all apologetic, I lost it.

Grave of the Fireflies…..FUCK

I found a near perfect copy of that album at a thrift store last week for a dollar. A DOLLAR!!

How you say?

Ditto on "It's a WOnderful Life", though the part for me is Harry's toast: "To my brother George, the richest man in town" along with the astonished look on George's face and the huge cheers from the townspeople.

Pulp Fiction too…

Right on about Alfred. Just a jarring, terrible read on that character

One of my best friends in high school would do the whole

I hope you're a vegetarian.

It's trite and overplayed, but how couldn't it be Thunder Road?

Love that one


Um, yeah. It's been mentioned only a million times. Three comments above you, in fact

Looked like the same diner from a great scene in last season's Justified