Migraine Boy

I know this is a classic The Americans meme, but I've been really disappointed in the lack of carefully considered period music this season :(

I feel the exact same about Live's "Freaks" and "Secret Samadhi"

This comes up every now and then, and I think the consensus is REM's Monster tops the list.

I couldn't totally enjoy it because I was terrified they were going to kiss


That not-so-veiled warning to Gus' neighbor was downright terrifying


Same here. That scene at the Mom's place freaked me out a little. I don't think I could take it if something was wrong with Jane

Malcolm Gladwell actually had an article about predicting quarterback success (and moreover, comparing it to teacher success)

Any of you parents ever briefly lost a kid? I did for about five minutes when my middle child was about two, and it was the most terrifying, panic stricken moment of my life. I shudder just thinking about it.

Part of the problem is with this terrible, terrible site redesign that I STILL am not used to and still abhor

I would like a moist animal, please

I didn't realize until reading the review that the hit men's fight in the bar was completely intentional. That makes the episode ten times more awesome.

Cygnus X1 on Farewell To Kings and its sequel on Hemispheres…

I told you bout the Seether before
You know the one that is neither or nor
But here's another clue if you please
The Seether's Louise….(one, two, three, foooour!)

And his "don't tickle me" face was hilarious. He was SO annoyed and upset by it and she wasn't reading it

The last year of talk show appearances I've seen from CK he's had strong words about people constantly on phones. Glad to see it show up.

I was big into metal in the late 80's / early 90's and this article is dead on about them being a Headbanger's Ball up-and-comer.

Patton is a God among insects. Let's not ever put His name and the "N" word in the same sentence again

A little off topic here, but I took a peek at Television Without Pity while I was waiting for the recap here, and it seems they are shutting down.I grew to really hate that site over the years, but there was a (pre AV Club) time that I really loved it.