Migraine Boy

I was SO glad we didn't actually see them tell him, just the aftermath.

You guys…PLEASE put up a placeholder for discussion until you can get the review up.

"I said you better look out, because I'm gonna say fuck"

Yeah? I thought FF's last album is among their very best. YMMV

Wow, good catch.

Speaking of marginalized plots - no Linder this episode

So "favorite" Ween songs were back up a ways…

Roses Are Free

Agree with yours

Hey! What about Poisons Cry Tough?

How old are you? I think hes dead on, myself

1983 Week has been awesome.

I always got a weird vibe that the microwave salesman was hitting on Mrs. Weir. I have no idea why, but the first time I watched it I thought it was going somewhere.

Grave of the Fireflies

I totally remember that. In fact, I copied it and used it on another message board I frequent.

Anyone know when this is hitting Spotify? Almost all of their discography is on there , but no I Hate Music yet


Yeah, no…I'm out.

"That last scene when the Freaks decide to go see a foreign film because it contains probably my favorite music cue in the series ("Take the Long Way Home" by Supertramp) as well as having all of the earned sentiment in the world. Lindsay reconciling with Daniel, Kim, Nick and Ken hits such a sweet spot because of how

True. The Big Wheel is great