Migraine Boy

What the hell song was he going to go after on Revolver, for Christ's sake?

Right…yeah, I was trying to figure out if Barbie was ever presented as a bad guy in the book. I don't think that was in there at all, was it?

I don't feel bad for Peggy. I have no sympathy for someone who knowingly engages in infidelity.



And two cups of coffee

David Sandborn, no less

Shit. So they did. *tips cap*

BEWARE! What they didn't tell you is they're touring with the fucking Barenaked Ladies

Things don't necessarily have to "happen" on Mad Men for me to love it.

"Increasingly, all of the characters feel that way on this show, looking out their windows at a city embroiled in conflict and a country tearing itself apart and seeing that reflected in their inner lives. Is this really what their lives have become? Is it really what theircountry has become?"

Absolutely. I have an England Dan and John Ford Coley Pandora station that I love to bust out on occasion. I think on commenter here once summed up 70's Lite Rock as a mixture of nostalgia and carsickness.


"Sha - la -la la…."

"Dr. King was killed about 2 months before RFK. Of course JFK's assassination was still pretty fresh in most minds, too. So each one had a little less emotional impact than the one before. You can only be shocked so much."
I sometimes wonder if adults in the late 60's (basically, my parents) all thought the world was

Acid is a hell of a drug

Gibson's acting in  "The Mousetrap" (play within a play) in that version is absolutely brilliant.

I agree. WPB is good stuff, and I even like the odd tune on God Hates Us All, especially the title track

I know Reign in Blood is the masterpiece, but I was always a South of Heaven man

I saw them on the Clash of the Titans tour mentioned above.