Migraine Boy

"If you were alive in the mid-’70s, even if you were just a tot at the time, as I was, you saw Kong. You knew Kong. Kong was a big, angry ape on top of a skyscraper. "
Absolutely. I'm 39, and this image is one of the first real memories I have as far as media and pop culture are concerned.

The scariest part of tonight's episode?

Leg 'em up and smack 'em yack 'em!

Yep. I'm 40, and I remember the first strange rumblings of "attraction" from Linda Carter and Yvonne Craig (Batgirl on the 60's Batman show)

Excellent. Can't believe someone else thought it.

Some group called Lions (?) does "Girl From the North Country" on Sons of Anarchy Season one.

Well, back to the music….

Is it wrong that that screenshot is giving me a little rise?

Come on, man…everyone knew the trick was to press record/play AND PAUSE, then have your finger hovering over the pause button for a quicker start.

Wow. I was blown away when I saw that Jim Reeves Christmas thumbnail when I came to AV Club today.

I just finished it. Great stuff, and as a near 40 year old, right in my generational wheelhouse

Ah, yes…it never was *really* Christmas season for me as a youngster until I saw the MTV promo  "Santa Claus: The man…the myth…the slam dancer"

As a Dad with two boys who are completely cuckoo about Legos, I have to ask which set.

It all went downhill after he dropped Too Big MC as his hype man

"Find the River" — the only song to ever make me weep.

Yep. Yep yep yep.

No real Southern Baptist church would have a crucifix inside.

Yep. The first one I bought from what would become one of my favorite bands. This one's also in my personal top 25.

"Mighty KC" is my favortie one-hit wonder of the 90's

King's X