Migraine Boy

Cymbal Noise
You know, the one EVRY reality show (or at least every Marc Burnett show) uses to transition between scenes. It lasts about three seconds, starts quiet and gets louder.

I noticed that as well, but was assuming (hoping?) that he was supposed to be so preternaturally gifted that he was swishing free throws with an offhanded, goofy stroke.

Man, "Nothing's Shocking" is an album that needs remastering posthaste. Sounds tinny as shit. Almost unlistenable now.

You gonna credit Bill Simmons for that or just flat-out steal it?

I'm a 70's kid too, so mine was Sean Cassidy's "That's Rock & Roll" back in 1977 when I was 5

Up top
That's a badass screencap

Early 90's childhood nostalgia?
Damn I'm old.

Breakfast - I was the exact opposite.

Yeah, her little "I'm proud of myself" gesture to Jim after she delivered the new computer was adorable / hot.

Yep. Adding to the love…I saw it when I saw six and took it COMPLETELY at face value. I was already obsessed with superheroes back then, and after the show aired my dad left me a ring from "Green Lantern" (as it was the 70's, it naturally was a mood ring) along with a note asking to take the responsibility of owning


Hey, there's Suede!
What's up, guys? *waves*

Prof - I certainly do.

And don't forget, JP, that the characters' parents, ostensibly in their 50's, had never even heard of Abbot and Costello.