
I actually also kinda dig this video. But maybe that's because I like Kanye West.

Are you kidding me? That would be RAD!

Is actually spelled Calamity.
The More You Know

I agree with Surf Pebble pretty much 100%. The local band worshiping is something I support in theory, but in practice it leads to a lot of so-so songs getting a lot of airplay. I guess this is more the fault of the music scene here than the Current though. Not that we don't have a pretty good music scene, it's just

You're a Liar!
(Play it fuckin' loud!)

I love Nick Cage, and I support this fully.
That said, he would probably make a stronger impression if he delivered this speech in a bear suit.

you knew what i meant

I'd watch this movie
And by watch, I mean masturbate.

damnit! i wanted to make this joke!

Isn't Nixon
That one head on Futurama?

+1 for Sonic Youth's cover for Computer Age. A lot of people here got The Bridge Tribute album, I see.

Yeah. This is basically the source of my complaint. The Current has been transforming into a softie-folk station. I think it's because the Current has grown dramatically and now its primary listener base is the MPR crowd. Oh well, its still better than most radio stations.

For the record, I only live in my mom's basement during the summer…

Ouch. Getting put in your place by O'Neal burns.

Oh Wow!
Another Patton Oswalt Headline!

My distaste for Mumford and Sons has nothing to do with them being mainstream and everything to do with the aggressive blandness of their music. And Whispering Eye, Amen! Everytime M & S comes on the radio, I assume my mom left it on Cities 97. Also, the name Mumford & Sons makes me want to vomit.

I HATE Mumford & Sons. I live in Minneapolis, and our "alternative" music station, The Current, is playing these guys to death. Why? Why would they do that? It's the most boring, most ball-less music I have ever heard. Except for Joni Fucking Mitchell.

no its not

That picture of Angelina Jolie
Is it a wax statue?