
aw shoot. i guess i don't get this internets thing very well yet

I Saw
This Youtube before any of you. which means i saw it first

i thought that's what the av club is

it looks like this movie is going to be even worse than this firstie

how many more?
how many more of these will be made before collectively we stand up and say no? how many more times will we let these monsters rape the art-form that is movie making?

Time flies like an arrow, Fruit flies like a banana

i usuall don't do this…
but wow. o'neal, you outdid yourself with the snark this time.

you're my hero

don't think i didn't notice what you did there…

Bosses are leaving NBC shows left and right
And yet, Jeff Zucker still remains


the twilight of this man's life didn't eclipse the experience for everyone else

add me to your count

no, this is why you don't give shrooms to a guy with a camera

That video…
What does this mean?

Star Trek?

The Germans discovered it in 1904, and they called it "San Diego", which in German means "whale's vagina."

My favorite
Spector produced album is All Things Must Pass.

the second you said that, club music became played out