
@avclub-6aca1a1659edc2d96cabe628f44d0f7e:disqus As someone mentioned above, she doesn't know why it didn't go off. Would you want to move a bomb that may have not gone off because a wire was loose?

@avclub-6aca1a1659edc2d96cabe628f44d0f7e:disqus As someone mentioned above, she doesn't know why it didn't go off. Would you want to move a bomb that may have not gone off because a wire was loose?

As @avclub-8583cd7c50cc85d47a8db2dae972cd72:disqus  says, pipe bomb instructions really aren't difficult to get hold of and it's fairly straightforward to follow the instructions. She's obviously a smart woman and it's entirely believable to me that she could put together something like that. It's no less believable

As @avclub-8583cd7c50cc85d47a8db2dae972cd72:disqus  says, pipe bomb instructions really aren't difficult to get hold of and it's fairly straightforward to follow the instructions. She's obviously a smart woman and it's entirely believable to me that she could put together something like that. It's no less believable

Ah, glad I didn't miss some! Cheers.

Ah, glad I didn't miss some! Cheers.

With a name like that he really should have listened to the gods and become a pitcher.

With a name like that he really should have listened to the gods and become a pitcher.

If it wasn't for this thread I would have had no idea what brand of tablet it was. All of the dialogue around it seemed pretty normal by this show's standards.

If it wasn't for this thread I would have had no idea what brand of tablet it was. All of the dialogue around it seemed pretty normal by this show's standards.

That fish looked lovely to me. Perhaps I've been living too close to Arbroath.

That fish looked lovely to me. Perhaps I've been living too close to Arbroath.

I'm still enjoying that idea.

I'm still enjoying that idea.

I actually really like Dallas as a character. She's completely ridiculous, but that's genuinely who she is and she's completely comfortable with that. On top of that, she can be very sweet and kind hearted at times. I can see why George likes her.

I actually really like Dallas as a character. She's completely ridiculous, but that's genuinely who she is and she's completely comfortable with that. On top of that, she can be very sweet and kind hearted at times. I can see why George likes her.

Yeah, save that shit for the Dexter threads.

Yeah, save that shit for the Dexter threads.

There are people who actually do that. I'm relatively new to this show, but still, I thought that was just a joke about how ridiculously attached to it she was.

There are people who actually do that. I'm relatively new to this show, but still, I thought that was just a joke about how ridiculously attached to it she was.