I'm right there with you on Bolin, I've never found his sense of humor endearing and he was easily the the worst part of the problematic second season.
I'm right there with you on Bolin, I've never found his sense of humor endearing and he was easily the the worst part of the problematic second season.
It's only been three episodes, I think its a little early to be complaining about the fact that the main characters aren't yet aware of what the major threats are. Team Evil isn't affecting them yet because they're still in the process of gathering their forces. I'm sure these stories will connect soon enough.
-I'm glad we're out of Republic City and I wouldn't mind if they never return. The lack of journey and adventure is one of the reasons why I don't enjoy this show as much as the original.
-Hopefully there will be no romance in this season, another reason why I prefer the original over this show. The original had some…
Yeah Marion Cotillard also lied about her role in The Dark Knight Rises and it seems like Michelle Fairley is being very careful about her language here.
I remember Mcgruder saying that it became increasingly difficult for him to tell stories in these tiny chunks, written from joke to joke rather than plot point to plot point. Thats why after 9/11 the strip just became a way for him to vent. What I liked about the first season of the show was that it managed to combine…
I never understood why that final shot bothered people as much as it did. I've heard other people say that it nearly ruined the film for them and it seems like such a minor thing.
Aside from some of the scenes and lines they've left out there are two changes to Stannis's character that I don't like.
I feel like the reason why Stannis's last minute rescue works is because this is not a show where things like that are guaranteed to happen. In most stories Ned, Robb, and Oberyn would also have gotten last minute rescues so in a way their deaths make you appreciate what happens in the North a bit more.
George Martin has said that Stannis's arc is that he was trying to "become king to save the realm" and now he's "saving the realm to become king".
I agree with some of the other commenters in that I don't see why a thematic through-line is so vital in order for each episode to work. From what I've heard D&D often shuffle scenes around from episode to episode due to pacing and plot structure issues which is perfectly legitimate to me. In fact I think the episodic…
Out of that 100,000 many of those people weren't looking for a fight and in the chaos simply fled. I agree that the helicopter shot made the army seem much smaller than it should have but I think that was a case of their budget running low.
A few thousand trained men on horseback with finely made armor and weapons catching a 100,000 wildlings with crudely made gear (many of whom are not warriors and are simply fleeing the north) completely off guard on all sides.
The difference between Walter White and Batman/Spider-Man is that Breaking Bad is much more critical about the realities of what Walt's power fantasy was really about. The show did operate in a heightened reality, but it never shied away from the fact that whatever Walt's original intentions, being "Heisenberg" was…
I thought Two Swords was the best premiere since the pilot episode, what didn't you like about it?
-Jon's first scene this season involved him talking about how jealous he was of Robb growing up. Then for the rest of the season we see him starting to become his own man and taking control of the Night's Watch during the battle. Thematically it would have been much more fitting to end the season with Jon considering,…
As Davos said last season, did Robb die because of the Red Woman's sorcery or because in war men die all the time? Melisandre's visions of the future seem genuine as evidenced by Stannis seeing a "great battle in the snow" but we also know from a few episodes ago that Melisandre is willing to use lies and half truths…
I don't think a story full of violent tragedies automatically equals nihilism. And when you have a story that revolves around war it seems odd to criticize it for using violence as the primary means to drive stakes and move the plot forward.
I don't think we're meant to believe Littlefinger's claim that he killed Joffrey because of Cat. It doesn't even really make sense because Joffrey had nothing to do with the Red Wedding, Tywin and Walder Frey planned it.
From what I've read Pizzolatto wrote all of the scripts in 3 months and was almost always on set when the show was filming, so I'd say he was definitely the main influence. In fact he's said the whole reason why he leaned towards television over film is because in tv the writer is king whereas in film the director has…
I think Pizzolatto's distinctive writing voice dominating all 8 episodes is apart of what made True Detective special. It really was like watching a great novel. He may not be able to sustain this format for more than a few years but it was definitely worth doing and I hope other shows follow suit.