The Silent 1

This is true, but according to Scorsese very few scenes were actually cut. It was mostly a matter of trimming several minutes off of various sequences in order to get the length down.

I think what Scorsese was trying to portray is that Belfort is "likable" in the same way that all con men are likable. If there wasn't a certain charm and swagger to these guys then they wouldn't be able to operate the way they do.

I would hate for them to be generally faithful to the books only to suddenly diverge into their own content at the end. Hopefully the stuff that Martin has told them about the ending is enough for them to finish the series before him while staying generally true to his outline.

The producers have said that they don't want to drag this out to 10 seasons, which I think is the smart thing rather than dragging it out. Martin has told them the ending in broad strokes, so they'll probably just end up finishing before him.

I don't get the impression that he was saying one was ok and one wasn't, only that he understood one and not the other. With the way the nudity in Game of Thrones is presented the intent couldn't be more obvious, but I get the impression that isn't always the case on Girls. Like I said, I don't watch Girls enough to

"On the other hand, the whole session opened with a journalist asking creator and star Lena Dunham why her character appears naked so often in the show, when there’s no story reason for it like on Game Of Thrones"

For me, saying that I didn't like the finale would give off the impression that I was fine with everything up until that point. In truth, I have major issues with the final season as a whole and no finale was going to save that season, or the series itself for me. And honestly, my issues had little to do with

The butler gets beat up because some money goes missing from Jordan's house.

"Yet everywhere I looked on TV this year, people were reaching out for connection, for community"

I always saw Gus as Walt's ultimate foe because he was the only one who could match him intellectually. I don't think the Nazis were ever set up as season long "big bads" the way Gus was, they were simply another element that Walt had to deal with. Season 5, as it should have been, was focused on everything Walt had

I don't remember where, but I've heard Vince Gilligan actually say that Face Off was originally supposed to end with Hank discovering Walt's secret, but they felt like it was just too much on an already packed episode and with them not knowing if they would come back next season, they decided for a more closed ending.

I agree, thats one of the reasons I think Liberation is one of his best albums. In fact its probably my second favorite.

"And it doesn’t matter how often critics praise the show; to her, that’s just another sign that critics wish they were a big, swingin’ dick like Don Draper"

"In its first five episodes, the show digs into the question of Don Draper’s identity and the myth of the self-made man"

Stannis is going after the throne because he feels that it is his duty as the lawful heir. I think someone else put it best in that Ned Stark was more honorable than he is dutiful and that fact is what doomed him when dealing with Cersei. Stannis is more dutiful than he is honorable. Stannis follows a certain set of

There are some instances in which leaving a little mystery to a character's past strengthens the character (i.e Gus Fring), but I don't really think Angel was such a character. I agree that Darla was unnecessary in Buffy season 2, but I thought pretty much all of the flashbacks in Angel season 2 were important for

I agree. I believe Tim Minear once said that their plan with Angel season 2 was basically to make Darla Angel's true love and reveal that Buffy was basically his rebound, which makes a lot more sense to me. And I always hated the Angel and Cordy relationship with a passion.

One of my favorite scenes in the second season of GoT is the conversation that Stannis and Davos have on their way to king's landing. It gives you such a good picture of who Stannis is and what's driving him and it comes far too late in the season. We needed more scenes like that, especially prior to Stannis's

I don't view the characters as being punished for being noble so much as the show portraying the simple truth that being noble alone is not going to save you or cause things to always work out for you. I really don't think Martin is trying to make a statement on the human condition aside from the fact that most people

I agree that certain characters naturally lend themselves better to specific tones, but the general sentiment expressed by this article seems to be an unfavorable view of serious superhero films of any kind.