2 Wycked

I come from the future to bitch about AMC's spoileriffic promos for Season 5.  I won't say a word about them, but CMYK's pleas fell on deaf ears.

get outta here you goddamn jackass

Are you kidding me?  This baby's off the charts!

There's no question it is, but I never made that connection until just now. In his introduction to The Best American Noir of the Century, which luckily I had sitting right next to me, James Ellroy described noir as "the nightmare of flawed souls with big dreams and the precise how and why of the all-time sure thing

I've told people they're like if Black Sabbath, Black Flag and the Allman Brothers Band had a baby

I've told people they're like if Black Sabbath, Black Flag and the Allman Brothers Band had a baby

Quick thought:After watching this episode, I assumed that the twins/cousins were praying for the death of Heisenberg.  But, after reading more about the Santa Muerte phenomenon, it seems like people pray to Santa Muerte for all sorts of things.  Maybe there's another interpretation there.  Maybe they're praying FOR

The confession was "quick" in terms of this one episode, but she's been on him for the truth for 1.5 seasons and he's stonewalled.  I don't think he was quick to confess.

Agreed.  If Tio was the person who passed the information along to these guys, their sketch wouldn't have him in his black bowler and sunglasses Heisenberg get-up.

I took the kid noticing their shoes to be more along the lines of "Oh fuck, I just blatantly pointed out they've got something silver on the toes of their boots…everyone now knows they're cartel dudes on the way to kill some people, I better shut up and hope they don't kill me and everyone else here to cover their

My wife audibly gasped when Walt said "which one?"  And as soon as Skyler asked "so he can be independent?" I knew she was out the door.  But I didn't know exactly how much detective work she'd put in.  I thought someone upthread made an interesting observation that Skyler really reveled in letting Walt know all she

your second paragraph describes JD Salinger's long-lost masterpiece


bangin like hell on the ol' dashboard, singin along to The Gourds, when I wrap my car around a goddamn oak

bangin like hell on the ol' dashboard, singin along to The Gourds, when I wrap my car around a goddamn oak

…drunker than a syphilitic lord…

…drunker than a syphilitic lord…

gravediggaz - diary of a madman.

gravediggaz - diary of a madman.

that's a guess rather than a spoiler—haven't seen the finale yet