2 Wycked

Now you're just being ridiculous. Clay Aiken isn't a rock star! Why, I bet he's never rocked a day in his life.

close them fuckin blinds

OK—thanks. I didn't know any of the background from her situation. My wife is a teacher so I've been trying to keep tabs on her and some other reformers.

lots of rockstars' wives would be great for this
Rufus Wainright's wife, for example. Or Michael Stipe's.

Michelle Rhee
I read this AM that she is stepping down. Nathan, or anyone else for that matter, can you shed any light into her decision? The news report I read was pretty general.

i thought it was done by that group that recorded the "Canyonero" jingle

i thought the fifth book was bad, with an "if."

Mike Scocsia
Wasn't he one of Burns' softball ringers? That might explain his appearance here.

Lisa on Ice is one of my favorites
Sports sports sports sports sports sports sports sports! Marge, Bart gets to ride in the front seat because he's a good guy at sports.

twas in Team America, twas also in the episode Asspen. Both were hilarious.

South Park also made its own montage song which contains some great advice on how to best utilize the technique when you need to go from just a beginner to a pro.

Wet Hot American Summer
Saw it once, thought it was the least funny movie I'd ever seen. Saw it the second time and laughed the whole way through.

If you're like me, it's both.

It literally drives me insane that Katherine Heigel is still getting parts


i totally agree, but i don't think it's going to stay that way for long—I was just thinking that cary's going to have to win a few from a reality standpoint (no one wins every case) and from a dramatic standpoint (not much to the rivalry if cary keeps getting beat)

also, she looks like a young gillian jacobs

She was quoted as urging people to use their "Second Amendment remedies" to rein in an out of control Congress, i.e., to shoot them.

Here he comes. Here comes John Wayne. "Not gonna cry about my nixed Adult Swim series. Gonna build me an airport. Gonna put my name on it." Why, David? So you can fly away from your feelings?

second amendment fantasies
are about to become a reality. see: angle, sharron