2 Wycked

FAIL crafted to suit a specific quote and/or situation from the television program "Seinfeld."

Speaking of comic's comics, how was Carrot Top?

I read somewhere the EVO's battery life is just gawdawful. Is there any truth to that?

Hella Hung
Sure, he was a joker, but I liked how the show made his intro video kind of like he was the villain in a 70s kung fu B movie.

Sounds like a nice little date night you've got planned, FutureChimp.

It's FAIL, Jerry! FAIL!

@Bubbles—i see what you're saying, man, but I loved Steve Buscemi in season 5. It probably mad me ignore some of those holes you've pointed out.

Sane Planning, Sensible Tomorrow was a definite winner.

Has this marketing agency been focus grouped yet? Seems like I'm the only one here who gives a shit about protocol.

your last independent panel was a laughingstock! why don't we just table this til after the weekend? bright and early monday morning, we'll get a blue ribbon board together to discuss whether the independent panel or the executive committee is the way to go.

It's a real shame you got hacked by the first/it's a real shame this FAIL is yours

Whoa whoa whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I think we need to put an executive committee together to establish an agenda for the power point presentation

My name is FAILsifer, please take my hand


people think I'm insane because I am FAILing all the time

i agree. i've been bitching about loretta lynn getting pushed back for like six months now

Atonement was very good, though yes clearly oscar bait

Friends, family, faculty, and fellow graduates…
Webster's Dictionary defines the verb "to plagiarize" as "to steal or pass off the words or ideas of another as one's own without crediting the source." On an unrelated note, what's the deal with Physics for Poets? Amirite?

yeah, if it lives up to the potential of that idea, it should be great. too bad it's only on PS3

and proud we are of all of them