
The whole prog rock movement was challenging… What I'm saying is… if so many people can get behind this 'challenge' maybe it's not that 'challenging' at all……..

I hated everything about this..

freakin babies.

the bourgeoisie are the new proles..and the proles are now morlocks. get with it, man..

There are one of those bands that are catchy, don't have great pop hooks, or much melody, but are still wildly popular. Is this why people hate them so much? The proles could never have such good taste so it must be bad! I'm not sure where I stand on these guys…. just trying to guess the sociological attitude

Chang is ZMF? I knew it.

Welcome to the big leagues
I'm just glad this King guy is finally getting some acknowledgment…


izzat moomins?

Serious question
I've never seen Evil Dead or ED II…. I generally don't like horror movies.. are these an exception, or is full of squeamish gore and shocks?

The cover art
It makes me smile to see cover art like that..nostalgia, I guess…

I'm just glad
that Seagal landed on his feet…
Unlike JCVD, who ended up on the other side of the law.

mashup has pretty much superseded medley a a word… though medleys usually imply various songs from a same theme or artist…some liet motif holding it together..at least.. Mashups seem to thrive on making associations otherwise unexpected..

Jane Lynch, I guess you could say, is the lynch pin that holds this show together. heh.

Wu Tang are The Wu Tang of Indie Rock.

album art
the album cover is nothing short of amazing.

BoC is important.

It always blows my mind how Kid A is one of the best albums.. I love it (who doesn't) but the mass appeal is strange. It's like the Captain Beefheart of our generation

Laugh Track
Was it me or was the laugh track dialed WAY too up on this ep? I couldn't tune it out.

Electronica of our Time
This is a really hard list to create, it seems electronica really broke out in the 90s, and reached its cultural peak right around 2000. I'm a huge electronica fan (and yes I'll use the word electronica, house to ambient)..