Le Petit Ami

Spongefest and Puppet Hate
Nothing like Beck whoring off Common Sense and perverting what is a classic piece of well-reflected, powerful political literature. Only he can manage to hate Sesame Street. His schtick would be real comedy if he went into the lunacy of explaining Sesame Street's coming to him and his child

For My Own Curiosity
Is Jason Schwartzman not allowed to have a hairstyle that doesn't make him look like he's a thirty-something member of my 1982 second-grade class photo?

"A 3rd Ghostbusters could be great but only, only, only if they get the right people to pass the torch to for the next generation of ghostbusters. Given how tight Ramis is with Apatow—-this could go O.K. depending on your tolerence for the Apatow players."

I keep trying to resist the new Phoenix, but that Rome keeps popping up in my head. Certainly, Neko Case is simply amazing. Just when I think I've exhausted all the tracks, another one becomes my favorite. I'm rather meh about Metric. It starts off so well and peters out.

My two cents
I should let this thread die out, but wanted to put his notion in.

I need the appropriate voice for going out to buy massive amounts of beer and donuts.

Cell as a place to begin?
This is one of his newer books that could make a nice start. It gets right to the action, though it does meander a bit on its way to the climax. The ending irritated me at first, but I much preferred being left hanging after reflection.