Sex Pwnther

When did Jorma Taccone become a member of Air?

Cool Story, Bro:
I've been re-watching Arrested Development recently, and coincidentally enough I happened to see David Cross at the salad bar at Whole Foods last week. I was tempted to say something clever/stupid to him, but he had a very strong "fuck off and leave me alone" vibe emanating from him, which I can

I thought there were some solid episodes/sketches. The Larry the Cable Guy/Prilosec spot was great, along with the whole poker game set-up around it. The police interrogation sketch was funny, too.

No, unless you're a big budget movie. And even then, I doubt SB would give out the permits. They're pretty uptight about that stuff. I think that Nancy Meyers movie with Alec Baldwin and Meryl Streep shot some scenes in Montecito.

It's set in Santa Barbara, right? That's where I'm from, too. And yeah, it looks nothing like SB. The clips I caught of it had me chuckling at how far off it was.

Wave of the future.
Wave of the future.
Wave of the future.
Wave of the future.
Wave of the future.
Wave of the future….

From what I read, it was modestly budget (~20M) and promoted, and the studio kind of expects it to not do too well in theaters, but take on a life and make money as a cult film via streaming, etc.

Also saw Popstar. Theater was maybe 1/3-1/2 full, but the film was getting a lot of laughs. I thought it was hilarious, but could've used another song or two.

It's a jive-talking robot!

I fink you freaky

My gf and I watched the whole first season in less than 24 hours, and have put aside the second season after four episodes. (Though we plan to get back to it.) The first episodes of this second season felt like characters in service of too much ideology, as opposed to last season having characters in service of story

I'm stealing Battlecar Compactica's thing here. All credit due.

Advertisers are so desperate to reach millennials, that they're trying anything to get their attention any way they can, including beyond lazy executions that literally just involve slapping emojis on top of the same boring car commercial they've been making for decades.

It's more of a "branding" effort. State Farm hopes you think that they're a cool, hip insurance agency that's down with fun basketball players and therefore you want to align yourself (and your money) with SF.


You can have Pure McCartney, I'll take Pure West. Cha cha cha cha…

Problem is, Johnny appears to be doing fine and I'm guessing doesn't exactly need the money.

I think RDJ may have a cameo in The Nice Guys

That guy is a philistine. It's nothing like Boondock Saints.

It may be recency bias, but I think I might actually like it a little more than Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang which is one of my faves.