After listening to Louis C.K. on that episode I have a deep admiration for what he did with Horace and Pete, but little desire to actually watch it. For those that have, is it worth it? It sounds impossibly bleak.
After listening to Louis C.K. on that episode I have a deep admiration for what he did with Horace and Pete, but little desire to actually watch it. For those that have, is it worth it? It sounds impossibly bleak.
Does Questlove say no to anything?
Anytime someone asks me what the weather is like, I like to scream "RAINING BLOOOOOOOD!!!!"
Hi, I'm Troy McLure! You may remember me from failed spin-offs such as Gerwigs, Ew!
Goddamn this was a good show. This and Luck's cancellation bummed me out for a while.
I hope this season isn't just Maron taking shots at the low-hanging fruit of rehab culture, but I have a feeling that's what we're in for.
I'll give you the production values on Boardwalk, which I thought were fantastic as well. But that's still style over substance and doesn't have to do with the writing. Its most interesting characters hovered on the sides and were usually killed off too soon. I just don't think Nucky Thompson was the right choice for…
For your consideration: Is Terence Winter even that good of a writer? Boardwalk Empire was another interesting premise that turned into a chore and featured the wrong protagonist. Wolf of Wall Street was based off of someone else's story and had Scorsese directing. The Sopranos was obviously David Chase's baby. When…
Facebook is a pit of despair that I despise and I would gladly get rid of my account, but I have friends who insist on doing everything through it, i.e., sending out invites and other info which forces me to maintain a skeletal account. First-world problems, yo!
Ben Mendehlson (spelling?)
Good god, yes. Sometimes I thought he got paid by the alliteration.
Deeper 2: The Deepening
Underrated film with some great cinematography. Having the same actor play both a CIA trainer and an FCC supervisor is a funny touch. Rockwell is fantastic, and Rutger Hauer steals his scenes with a wonderfully sad, lived-in performance.
I can't wait to never watch any of these.
I remember when FYF was a small one-day affair at Barnsdal Park with a bunch of rando LA bands. Now look at it…
No, I want to bang her in the mouth. What are you talking about?
Netflix should pick this up to round out its stable of LA based low-stakes, middle-class white people dramadies like Love and Flaked.
Stone Roses inspired me to play guitar and start a band. Sad I missed them when they played Coachella, but I heard mixed reviews of those shows. I hope they make it back out to LA/West Coast sometime soon. Part of my own personal Mancunian holy trinity with the Smiths and JD/NO. But I also love Oasis, James, etc.
After the runaway success of The Bronze, this is sure to be greenlit!
I just hope the writers had a real long-term arc in mind when they killed off Danny, rather than just killing him off, wondering if they'd get a second season, and now making it up as they go along.