Sex Pwnther

Language professors must hate you!

Yeah, I'm of two minds about it, part of me enjoys his bizarro-Shapiro, but then I see what Vance is doing with Cochran and kind of wish there was an actor taking a more serious, substantive approach. I get tonal whiplash within a single scene.

I'm wondering if another Ryan Murphy favorite, Denis O'Hare, would have made for a better Shapiro. Travolta is not unenjoyable, but what he's doing feels pretty far off from the actual Shapiro. I feel like O'Hare could have kept the performance grounded a little better, and brought more dimension to the dynamic with

Nor did he sound like a cross between Dr. Evil and Richard Nixon.

I agree that Gus' character can have some funny moments, but I just think he would work better as a side character, maybe on the scope of Kether Donahue's character on YtW as opposed to the co-lead. I'd much rather watch a show about Mickey and her Aussie roommate having dating and career misadventures.

Milana Vayntrub makes my vein throb. (I'm so sorry for that.)

McKay himself said he was directly influenced by Michael Winterbottom's 24 Hour Party People, which features the actual musicians depicted in the movie addressing the camera about the veracity of the events depicted on-screen as a meta commentary on the "print the legend" mentality of biopics. He thought it could be

Streets ahead… (whispering) streets ahead…

Mine's voices.

No Fire Inside
A Fire In Doubt

Yeah, I used to really enjoy his movies too, but then I became… not 16-years old. That's probably overly snarky, but I agree, his movies also strike me as schmaltzy, naive, and divorced from any compelling contemporary reality.

"Those curious about whether people really do only need “oxygen and family” in order to survive…" Jesus. Does Crowe write this shit while privately beaming about what a plugged-in communicator of the human experience he is? I've read Hallmark cards that are less sentimental and hacky.

I Love You, Floating Hair


There was a recent NYT article that detailed how a handful of super players win the majority of the money. They use sophisticated algorithms to plug in and modify hundreds of lineups into a variety of games (or sometimes even one game) to win. Even using that many "losing" lineups, they still net out big bucks.

Are we sure this isn't the AVN Awards' gift bag?

Does this mean Flowers will stop trying to sound like The Boss? I like the Killers and Flowers' solo stuff, but some of his lyrics/melodies sound like Springsteen magnet poetry.

Just like your mother. (I'm sorry, but it was right there.)

Holy shit! That was him? Man, he looks a lot different from when I was listening to them all the time back in the day. I thought his performance was good, though. He kind of had an Elias Koteas vibe going on.

Yeah, I read that Ad Age article, too. Just shows you how out of touch and insular the ad world can be. They loved it, everyone on here and that I spoke to thought it was a bad acid trip abomination.