
1. I think I was at home. I remember when it came on on the news.
2. I liked him. Everyone was talking about how he was going to be the first black president and everything. Now, I don't know. I guess he's just a president. Not an FDR or anything.
3. I haven't met any famous people. The most famous person I've met is

Everyone tells me my eyes, but I'm a big fan of my hair. I've also had other things complimented.

I oddly remember this movie? I don't know. I probably saw the commercial for it on Lifetime or something.

1. My superpower is the power to choose to automatically heal anyone I want, including myself.
2. hehe
3. Either bongoes or one of my school friends
4. Burgers from McKoys
5. Ice Tea is pretty nice
6. Probably sex because I need food
7. Over a period of years. I'd give some of it to my parents, probably enough so they


Happy. Birthday. Stpehen. Birthday. Birthday. Birthday.

Steoephen's mom. It's pretty obvious.

Black Boobs?



I thought they used a look alike double guy

DUDE, YOU'RE FREAKING IN! Blood oath ceremony is next month. Black tie, ok.

I don't know what is happening. The end of days is my best theory.

Hey! I'm not violent (ignore the comment below)

WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!?!!??????!?!?!!?!?!?!?

My friend and I are planning on becoming supervillians together. I like fighting and chaos. I think she said that she likes power. I dunno. We're having a meeting on the 12th! It's open door, but we'd prefer anyone who has experience with building death rays and/or can reach the top shelf of things.

When did I become the sanest person here?