

There's only one thing left to do. Get into a giant fight and when someone walks in with the gun, go for the "It's me! Shoot him!" schtick.

Anyone would be honoured to be bongoes.


When famous and widely respected people fight, I usually have something like this going on in my head.
Also, I didn't even recognize you, Stpehen, old pal.

Since I have have a bit of a twisted sense of humor, YES! to this pilot. GREENLIGHTED

DAMMIT! Um… birdie's not here. She went out because it's her sister's birthday today. She won't be back for a while

Will do! But probably tomorrow night since it's late and I'm talking to bongoes soon. I've decided that I am now going to watch the episode twice. One time to laugh and be able to pay attention and the next to do a write up. It's the same way with Soup liveblogs. I barely laugh when I have to multi-task.


< s >text< / s > Strike-out

Edit: Nevermind. I think I have to do it again. I never saved it when I turned my computer off.

YOU CAN DO IT! I believe in youuuuuuuuuuuuu.

You (and I) looked a bit high/drunk in your Communist pictures.

There are some really beautiful outdoor shots that you'll be missing out on.

Awwwwww. I don't have a link but I'm here to say that it was pretty AH-mazing. I had the hardest time believing that this is a children's cartoon.

Why did I always think that they were playing in a bus? Did they ever play in a bus? Was there a bus involved? Am I blind?

I read on the internet that resetting your food clock will also help set your sleeping clock. So basically, starve for 2 or 3 days. I don't know if you're willing to try it.

Ok. What does this mean? I know it's something with story structure but I could never understand these story circles.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Love is so complicated. BONGOES, DON'T EVER LEAVE ME