
Don't you mean "when are you"?

I think Jenna said (season 2?) that she's known about Ryan and his crush on her. That's why she came to him in the first place when she was looking for a dogsitter for Wilfred. She kind of was taking advantage of this crush. She probably still thinks that he has as slight crush on her, but has friendzoned him because

Someone linked to this GIF at the Wilfred comments review (there was a scene that was reminiscent of this GIF) and I figured you'd appreciate looking at it.

There's always a question to whether Ryan is doing things without him actually knowing or if Wilfred is doing things somehow. Considering all possibilities the most realistic would be that both the collar and the shocks don't exist. so I would agree with you. But I'd love to see a dog giving electrical shocks to a

Twas good times

I think @avclub-7d58cc22d9ed7d85decaa81e6cedee22:disqus could have been a tad bit more clear with that because I thought the same thing.

Is there anything particular you want to say about it, @avclub-0098e61f46c4beacf233458d668f98de:disqus ? It was my favorite two.

Yep. It's apparently confirmed to be "beach" reading. You hear that, Rowan.

I'm not sure if Ryan really wanted to make Drew look like a dick, but his main objective through all of this was to save the day for Jenna. I had a feeling through the episode, starting from the part when he said that he wanted to move the party to his backyard, that he really, subconsciously or not, wanted for her to

I was also thinking of Louie while watching this episode, but more towards that I didn't laugh too much during the episode and I don't mean that in a bad way. Louie is one of the best shows out there but I don't laugh through an entire episode. I just sort of look at it in amazement most of the time. Anyways, that's a

That last shot was so depressing. For a second, I thought that Ryan was going to watch the entire birthday from the basement window could have been the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. I'm glad that the writers decided to save me the embarrassment of crying during a Wilfred episode.

I thought this comment was going in a completely different direction…

What I liked about this episode was how completely unexpected it was for me. What I expected was that Wilfred was going to humiliate Ryan in front of Jenna so Ryan would have to stop this delusion of simple friendship that he's maintained for a while. But what I got was so much better. Wilfred gave his good friend

They're married, I believe. It was around Jenna's pregnancy scare

Ummmm. Birdie's not here *turns off the night and closes the blinds*

I know that people watch things at different times but does anyone here have thoughts on the season premiere of Project Runway. I have thoughts on a few contestants. Also, Tim Gunn is now joining the panel of judges (permanently, I think?) and he's getting a free save, which I believe is a great idea because there's

I've never met one but I've heard of these girls on Twitter and other social networks.