That ending was maybe the most emotionally manipulative thing I've ever seen, but I have to admit I cried a little. Dammit.
That ending was maybe the most emotionally manipulative thing I've ever seen, but I have to admit I cried a little. Dammit.
Oh, man, you just gave me flashbacks to Lord of the Rings fandom (which I never really participated in, but enjoyed immensely watching in a trainwreck kind of way). To this day, that's still the craziest shit I've ever seen in internet fandom, Harry Potter fans included.
I'm actually cautiously looking forward to Elementary. I'm a sucker for Sherlock Holmes stories, and a female Watson could be an interesting variation. (Cautiously because, well, it is a procedural on CBS, and aside from the Good Wife that doesn't often work out well.)
The scene where Andy rehires Nellie is one of the most insultingly half-assed things this show has ever done, and after this season that's really saying something.
Huh. I just realized both of the celebrities-using-Siri commercials are primarily based on it helping them obtain soup. That's an odd choice.
I don't know, I find the idea that we're not supposed to take a story about the lengths governments go to respond to terrorism seriously or as a comment on the world we're living in a bit odd. It's not like they *had* to do a plotline that resonates that much with current political concerns, you know? Especially given…
From what my British friends have said, the combination of 'young female person' and 'closely associated with the Royal Family' was generally understood to be getting at Kate Middleton. I don't know if that's a widespread impression, though.
The other studios must be expecting huge things from Dark Knight - if you look at the release dates on IMDB, there are no other major studio releases that week, at all, and only two wide-released movies the next week, and they're a teen dancing movie and a broad comedy.
If people want to watch Community and Big Bang Theory and don't have a Nielsen box, they should watch Big Bang and DVR Community and watch it later. I know, it sounds counterintuitive, but: if you don't have a Nielsen box and watch it live, they don't measure it and it doesn't count toward the ratings. But they can…
I don't know, I think they make sense in the comics, though it's hard to say yet if that'll be the case in the movieverse. Hell, Spider-Man calls them Mom and Dad pretty frequently when he's a member of the team.
Man, the slashfan contingent will be coming out in droves for this, that's for sure. (I'm more of a Cap/Iron Man girl, myself.)
Yeah, last week they aired the 'Bad in Bed' episode as a rerun; I didn't watch the show then, but it was almost shocking how much better it's gotten and how much more likeable Jess is.
I think the subtext of the criticism is that there's a fear this show will continue to follow the path set by the Office: an off-tone first season followed by all-time excellent second and third seasons, a still-fun but straining fourth season with more cartoonish characters and an increased tendency to play musical…
Same here - hell, it was maybe the hardest I've laughed at anything on television this year.
A term I've seen used for this sort of thing is 'dubious consent' - it doesn't rise to the level of non-consensual actions, but occurs under false pretenses or other circumstances that don't allow for fully informed consent.
It was pretty bad! The most bizarre thing is that, in the end, it's torturing and nearly killing him when his heart finally gives out, and then the armor changes its mind and just gives him its own metal heart. And Tony's reaction is to go "oh no, don't die!" and then bury it. So…he's supposed to have Stockholm…
Goddamnit, I thought I had fully stopped caring about this show, but if they kill off Wilson I'll be legitimately upset even though I know it's the most blatant and shameless kind of manipulating the audience.
Depp seems to me like he just really, really hates being popular and a sex symbol and has spent his entire career trying to erase that goodwill. Unluckily for him, the public seems to love him much more the more he's plainly not giving a shit and hating whatever he's doing. It may be the most entertaining thing about…
Actually, there was an arc in the comics about the suit becoming sentient somehow, and it got pretty rapey pretty quickly. It goes so far as to kidnap Tony and take him to a desert island to force him to "become one" with it.
I think that was a pretty sharp political joke - conservatives, like Jack, often think of Democrats and their administrations as soft pacifists coddling 'the enemy' who'd use the couches to build reefs to protect gay sea turtles. But that's never been true of any Democratic president, really,