I'm a little surprised by how everyone seems to view Cece as ridiculously out of Schmidt's league. I mean sure, she's hotter than him, no question. But it's not a what-is-even-happening-there-he-must-be-super-loaded level of difference.
I'm a little surprised by how everyone seems to view Cece as ridiculously out of Schmidt's league. I mean sure, she's hotter than him, no question. But it's not a what-is-even-happening-there-he-must-be-super-loaded level of difference.
This comment section will be the perviest one since…well, almost every comment section, probably.
Is eating plain margarine straight out of the tub actually a thing? I like unhealthy food as much as the next person, but I can't imagine ever finding that non-repugnant.
Yeah, the process is completely broken at the moment, and I think most everyone in the industry knows it at this point. It's fundamentally based on the assumption that if a percentage of people in their sample of a particular age/race/gender/income group watches a show, it will correspond to the percentage of that…
Huh, you know, I'm not sure? Wikipedia doesn't seem to have anything on that either. But I'm reasonably sure that households have to commit to providing the info for at least a season at a time (though if I'm wrong please correct me, internet!), so anyone in a situation where they may have to move often or quickly…
They don't generally speaking - the networks are starting to take into consideration DVR+1 and DVR+7 viewers, i.e. people that watch a show recorded on their DVRs within 1 or 7 days respectively, but that's still in its early days.
The percentage/demographics of Nielson participants is supposed to match the population as a whole for each age group; there's also a more specific count that's released of 18-34 viewers, so that age group is represented. But it's certainly true that college dorms are not represented - I don't know if they've changed…
I bet you all $100 that she makes out with Cryer, he goes OMG WUT YOU'RE MY GHOST BROTHER, and she says that part was her idea.
Is it for sure that the wedding is the end of next season? I don't remember that, but I could be wrong.
I think it was "how we met Quinn," to emphasize that the dinner they'd had with her hadn't shown who she really was?
If I've learned anything from watching way way too much television, it's that they wouldn't be raising the possibility of a Barney/Quinn wedding this close to the end of season reveal of who Barney eventually marries unless they were planning to do a reversal. That's just how TV shows in general and this one in…
I've been really enjoying this season, too - some of the relationship drama's been a little too implausibly-fast-moving for my taste, but it's still such a fun show to watch (especially for a comedy in its 7th season) that I can't hold it against it too much.
Ha, SyFy'll find a Canadian guy to play Morpheus if we're *lucky.* My favorite of their casting decision was some random Welsh guy with no other on-screen acting credits to play Sherlock Holmes in a movie where he fought robot dinosaurs.
I kind of can't believe no one's responded to this with "cool story bro" yet.
There are people who like that 'scared straight' sketch? Yikes. Nearly ten straight minutes of the same tired prison rape joke was just painful to sit through, and that's before you add in some of the most obvious and stilted cue-card reading I've ever seen.
Probably so, and given that Becki Newton's been cast in a pilot the producers of this show are working on, they almost certainly don't have any long-term plans for the character.
One of the constants of this show is that Lily is always right in the end, so no, he cannot.
I genuinely read part of that as "whipping out his own three-inch demo reel and unloading it on some thoroughly impressed executives," and after realizing my mistake, found that the story worked just as well that way.
This is maybe too obvious, but I've always assumed Jerry getting in touch with his emotions, and especially these lines:
There was an issue once where his armor got melted off, and he was wearing a red thong underneath. And that's how his secret identity was revealed to the other Avengers. No, I am not making that up.