
Yea, I could see LJ and Jefra flipping, creating a large group where the Brains aren't the majority, which would open up a lot of opportunities. Unfortunately, the editing isn't suggesting that.

Good point about how funny it is that Tony being a liar endeared Sarah to him for some reason, while LJ correctly found it off-putting.

I'm with you. It seemed like pretty common Survivor arguing. I'm almost curious if they cut something, but this is not a show that would waste footage like that.

Gah, that's my problem in every written avenue of my life. I fully support your tl;dr-ness.

Knowing Tony, he would have bragged about it being his strategy, if even just in confessional.

Yea, I have all four players, but I'm not sure they can really help me out unless they're the final 4 and Jeremiah sweeps some immunities, which might maybe happen (go Kass?).

Good point about the raid being so close to the merge. Makes the whole thing pretty silly.

I prefer the endurance ones, think they're a pretty great equalizer. Might be boring to watch, but leaves room for negotiation and such.

I found her kinda egocentric and annoying in Palau (though I respected that she Survived all of those tribals). I loved her in Guat, though, and thought she was both great TV and a great player.

Yes, but this isn't just basic logic. It's the entire premise of the show: don't be outvoted. I stand by my claim that she had Tony locked down.

True, but that still doesn't override the very basic logic of 3 people voting against 4.

My comment definitely came off as off-putting, sorry bout it! It was meant to be a joke about karmic realignment, followed by a discussion of which episode people would introduce to their friends. Didn't mean to imply you dropped the ball or anything.

He's benefited, but he's also more bound to the brains than everybody last week was thinking he'd be.

Ha! It almost felt too performative for me, but I realized they were just smug.

If I were brains, I'd probably pick up a straggler (my heart wants Morgan because she cracks me up, but could also be J) and somebody with small alliance potential (the girl that finally spoke this episode or Sarah, before Tony made a big group). This way, you're never outranked.

You can win if you're emotional if those you care about are somehow more repulsive than yourself. Sandra 2 would count as an emotion-based win in my book.

I hope Woo goes down! My strategy is banking on it (especially because I don't know what I was thinking picking obvious boot-bait Jeremiah).

I wish the bonus Survivor videos showed who knows about which idols. I get that you have to obscure it for the show's weekly suspense, but it would really shine a light on decision making for us Survivor nerds.

I don't know if Trish would make a move if she didn't think she had Tony locked down. It's funny how people's antsyness comes out when they don't have to deal with people anymore.

Well, I guess I'll have to force 3 of my friends to watch this to compensate for Gen's underperforming choice. I'd probably pick a Snatch Game as my intro to newbies. Thoughts?