iodized salt

"psycho killer" prob has the best "whoa"s unless you count "holiday road" which i'm not sure you can because those "whoa"s are technically part of the o's in "road"

i can't read a mention of the amps without getting "bragging party" stuck in my head

"Vernors, which I find implacably foul."

i'll see your lowes commercial and raise you a trojan commercial when you're using it for background music during sex

prescriptivists can bid on deez nuts

did they do one that was the showrunners sitting in a bare room apologizing profusely for 26 minutes for the arc with the boom mike guy

oh, and the guy who called it a "ridiculously funny ride": info@k5mediagroup.com

feel free to inquire at d.baur@k5film.com and o.simon@k5film.com

not really sure how thats instinct unless you were like a feral child raised by a pack of wild moe howards or sth

yeah they were the first non-gbv folks signed to rockathon if memory serves

are these those guys who some of them or all of them or something used to be in 84 nash? because 84 nash rules

its okay to not post a comment sometimes

this has great "whoa"s but belreve is better

agreed, 100% — it's like, the depravity quotient in law and order: svu could be equal or even higher but in any given episode you can figure out (or will be told) what any piece of evidence is, who mariska hargitay is going to look disapprovingly at, who ice-t is going to shove against a fence, etc. before any

it confuses people

either way im sure theyre still indignant about it

my old next door neighbors are msisisonaries in turkey now if you see anybody over there getting really worked up over the pagan roots of halloween tell them i said hi

AVClub Presents: 10 Shows You Won't Believe Should Be Like Other Shows

sounds pretty bad dawg

is that british for chad