try circulatory system's 2nd album signal morning mabes? based on the power-pop thing i think you'd at least dig "overjoyed" a lot, shit is tuneful as hell
try circulatory system's 2nd album signal morning mabes? based on the power-pop thing i think you'd at least dig "overjoyed" a lot, shit is tuneful as hell
fuck. yes. smoke machine is a ridiculously great album
don't talk shit about fiddle faddle
no dfw knew how to read
Old people do marijuana, explosion explosion, racist robot comedy: The Lobsters1 Story
have you read "the laughing man"? because if you don't at least like "the laughing man" we may have beef
— gertrude stein
10.0 best new snark
the bird who continues to eat the rabbit's flower, motherfuckers
well, fuck it:
working on the tunnel by william gass, another pomo behemoth. very mixed feelings about it — dude writes the deftest fucking similes ever, and the description of his hometown and some of the character sketches are gorgeous, but then it also goes on and on about kohler's dick and shit and farts. even for…
it rules
goddamn dude infinite jest is like orders of magnitude better than broom of the system
way more like a baby, i think
i hope this rules, "speed to roam" by rtx is one of the best songs in the history of songs
it's poststructuralism n00bs
death of the author duder
if you're ever at a party where people are using the music from requiem for a dream to soundtrack their beer pong match (because "it makes everything so epic, man!"), covertly queue up "mandolin" by harry pussy in the playlist and watch how many of them decide it's time for a smoke break
"that's good stuff"
permaban anyone who doesn't vote for "run to the hills" thanks in advance
let's hear what the guy from usa standing in the photoshopped water has to say next